Blocking Someone on Cash App: Does it Guarantee Privacy or Can They Still See You?


Blocking someone on Cash App means they can't send or request money from you, but they can still see your profile unless you also unfriend them.

When it comes to mobile payment apps, Cash App is one of the most popular options available today. With its ease of use and convenience, it's no wonder that more and more people are turning to this app for their financial needs. However, like any social platform, there may come a time when you need to block someone on Cash App. Whether it's due to a dispute or simply wanting to cut ties with someone, blocking is a feature that can come in handy. But the question remains: if you block someone on Cash App, can they still see you?

The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. While blocking someone on Cash App will prevent them from being able to send you money or request funds from you, it doesn't necessarily mean that they won't be able to see your account. In some cases, a blocked user may still be able to see some details about your Cash App account, including your profile picture and username. This can be concerning for many users who want to protect their privacy and security on the app.

However, there are steps you can take to ensure that a blocked user cannot see any information about your Cash App account. One option is to set your account to private, which will prevent anyone who is not following you from seeing your profile or any of your transactions. This can be helpful if you want to keep your financial information private from certain people or groups.

Another option is to report the user to Cash App support if they are harassing or threatening you. This will not only block the user from your account but also prevent them from being able to create a new account using the same phone number or email address. It's important to note that if you do choose to report someone, you should provide as much information as possible about the situation, including screenshots of any messages or transactions that are relevant.

It's also important to keep in mind that blocking someone on Cash App is not a foolproof solution. If the user has already seen your information or has saved your profile picture or username, they may still be able to access your account even if you block them. This is why it's always a good idea to regularly check your transactions and account settings to ensure that everything is secure.

If you're still unsure about whether blocking someone on Cash App will prevent them from seeing you, it's a good idea to reach out to the app's support team for more information. They can answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on the best course of action for your specific situation.

In summary, while blocking someone on Cash App can prevent them from sending you money or requesting funds, it doesn't necessarily mean that they won't be able to see your account. To ensure that your information is as secure as possible, it's important to take additional steps such as setting your account to private or reporting users who are harassing or threatening you. With these tips in mind, you can use Cash App with confidence and peace of mind.

If You Block Someone on Cash App, Can They Still See You?

Cash App is a popular mobile payment app that allows users to send and receive money quickly and easily. Although the app offers convenient features, there may be times when you need to block someone on Cash App for various reasons. When you block someone on Cash App, it's natural to wonder if they can still see you. In this article, we will explore the answer to this question in detail.

What Happens When You Block Someone on Cash App?

When you block someone on Cash App, several things happen. First, the person you blocked will no longer be able to send you money or request money from you. They will also not be able to see any of your payment activity. Additionally, any pending payments from the person you blocked will be canceled, and they will not be able to contact you through the app.

Can Someone You Blocked Still See Your Profile?

Once you block someone on Cash App, they will no longer be able to view your profile. This means that they will not be able to see your profile picture, username, or any other information that you have on your profile.

Can You Still See the Person You Blocked on Cash App?

No, once you block someone on Cash App, you will not be able to see them on the app anymore. They will be removed from your contacts list, and any previous conversations with them will be deleted.

What Happens If You Unblock Someone on Cash App?

If you decide to unblock someone on Cash App, they will be able to send you money and request money from you again. However, any pending payments that were canceled when you blocked them will not be reinstated, and they will not be able to see any payment activity that occurred while they were blocked.

Can Someone You Blocked Still Contact You Outside of Cash App?

Blocking someone on Cash App only applies to the app itself. If someone you blocked has your phone number or email address, they can still contact you through those channels. However, if you do not want to receive any communication from them, you will need to block them on all of your other communication channels as well.

Can Someone You Blocked Still Send Money to Your Phone Number or Email Address?

If someone you blocked has your phone number or email address, they can still send you money through other payment apps or methods. However, if they try to send money to your Cash App account using your phone number or email address, the payment will not go through.

Can Someone You Blocked Still Request Money from You Through Other Payment Apps?

Yes, if someone you blocked has your phone number or email address, they can request money from you through other payment apps or methods. However, if you do not want to receive any payment requests from them, you will need to block them on all of your other payment channels as well.

What Should You Do If You Are Being Harassed on Cash App?

If you are being harassed on Cash App, the first step is to block the person who is causing the problem. If the harassment continues, you should report it to Cash App's customer support team. They will investigate the matter and take appropriate action to ensure your safety.


In conclusion, when you block someone on Cash App, they will no longer be able to see you or contact you through the app. They will also not be able to view your profile or any payment activity. However, if they have your phone number or email address, they can still contact you through other channels. If you are being harassed on Cash App, it is important to take action to protect yourself and report the behavior to Cash App's customer support team.
What Happens When You Block Someone on Cash App?Cash App is a popular peer-to-peer payment app that allows users to send and receive money from friends, family, and businesses. With its user-friendly interface and convenience, it has become one of the most used payment apps in the United States. Despite its popularity, there are times when you may need to block someone on Cash App.Blocking someone on Cash App means that you no longer want to interact with them on the platform. It could be for various reasons, including fraudulent activity or simply not wanting to receive payment requests from a particular user. Whatever the reason may be, it is essential to understand what happens when you block someone on Cash App.Can a Blocked User Still See Your Profile on Cash App?When you block someone on Cash App, they will no longer be able to see your profile or any of your transaction history. This means that if you have previously sent or received money from them, those transactions will no longer be visible to them. Additionally, they will not be able to send you any payment requests or messages.Blocking someone on Cash App is a straightforward process. All you have to do is navigate to the profile of the person you want to block and select the ... icon. From there, select Block and confirm your decision. Once you have blocked someone, they will be removed from your list of contacts, and you will no longer receive any notification from them.Does Blocking Someone on Cash App Affect Your Transaction History With Them?Blocking someone on Cash App does not affect your transaction history with them. Any previous transactions you have had with the person will still be visible in your transaction history. However, they will not be able to view this information once you have blocked them.It is important to note that blocking someone on Cash App does not cancel any pending transactions between you and the blocked user. If there are any pending payments, they will still be processed unless you cancel them manually.How to Block Someone on Cash App and What Information Is Shared With Them?Blocking someone on Cash App is a simple process that requires only a few steps. To block someone, follow these steps:1. Open the Cash App on your mobile device.2. Locate the profile of the person you want to block and tap on their name.3. Tap on the ... icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.4. Select Block from the options provided.5. Confirm your decision by tapping Block again.Once you have blocked someone on Cash App, they will no longer be able to contact you or see any information about your account. However, it is important to note that the person you blocked may still have access to any information you previously shared with them, such as your phone number or email address.Can a Blocked User Still Send You a Payment Request on Cash App?No, a blocked user cannot send you a payment request on Cash App. Once you have blocked someone, they will no longer be able to initiate any transactions with you or request money from you.Can a Blocked User Still See Your Cash Tag on Cash App?No, a blocked user cannot see your Cash Tag on Cash App. When you block someone, all information related to your account is hidden from them. This includes your Cash Tag, which is essentially your username on the platform.What Happens If You Unblock Someone on Cash App After Blocking Them?If you unblock someone on Cash App after blocking them, they will be able to see your profile and transaction history again. However, any pending transactions between you and the unblocked user will remain canceled. This means that if the person owes you money or you owe them money, you will need to initiate a new transaction.It is essential to be cautious when unblocking someone on Cash App, especially if you previously blocked them due to suspicious activity. Make sure you are comfortable with interacting with the unblocked user again before initiating any transactions.Can You Still See a Blocked User's Transactions on Cash App?Yes, you can still see a blocked user's transactions on Cash App. When you block someone, their transactions will still be visible in your transaction history. This includes any transactions you have had with them in the past.How to Report a Blocked User on Cash App for Suspicious Activity?If you have blocked someone on Cash App due to suspicious activity, you can report them to Cash App. To report someone on Cash App, follow these steps:1. Open the Cash App on your mobile device.2. Tap on the profile of the person you want to report.3. Tap on the ... icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.4. Select Report from the options provided.5. Follow the prompts to provide additional information about the suspicious activity.Once you have reported a user, Cash App will investigate the matter and take appropriate action if necessary.What Are the Consequences of Blocking Someone on Cash App for Both Parties Involved?Blocking someone on Cash App can have consequences for both parties involved. For the person who is blocked, they will no longer be able to interact with you on the platform. This means that they cannot send you money or communicate with you via messages.For the person who blocks someone, there are several potential consequences. If the person was previously a friend or family member, blocking them could damage the relationship. Additionally, if the person owes you money or you owe them money, blocking them could make it difficult to resolve the issue.In conclusion, blocking someone on Cash App is a simple process that can have significant consequences. By understanding what happens when you block someone on Cash App, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to block a particular user. Remember to be cautious when unblocking someone and report any suspicious activity to Cash App.

Blocking Someone on Cash App: Can They Still See You?

Point of View

From our perspective, when you block someone on Cash App, they cannot see your account or any of your transactions. Blocking someone on Cash App is a straightforward way to keep them from contacting you and avoid potential scams.

Pros of Blocking Someone on Cash App

Blocking someone on Cash App can provide several advantages, including:
  1. Privacy: By blocking someone, you can keep your personal and financial information private.
  2. Security: Blocking someone can help protect you from potential fraud or scams.
  3. Peace of Mind: If you're uncomfortable with someone's behavior, blocking them can give you peace of mind and help you feel safer.

Cons of Blocking Someone on Cash App

While blocking someone on Cash App can be beneficial, there are also some downsides, such as:
  1. Limited Communication: If you block someone, they won't be able to contact you through the app.
  2. Potential Misunderstandings: If you block someone without explanation, it could lead to misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
  3. Inconvenience: If you need to communicate with someone you've blocked, you'll need to unblock them first.

Table Comparison

Pros Cons
Privacy Limited Communication
Security Potential Misunderstandings
Peace of Mind Inconvenience


In conclusion, blocking someone on Cash App is an effective way to protect yourself from potential scams and keep your information private. However, it's essential to consider the downsides, such as limited communication and potential misunderstandings, before making the decision to block someone.

If You Block Someone on Cash App, Can They Still See You?

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on whether someone can still see you on Cash App if you block them. We hope that this article has been informative and has helped you understand how blocking works on Cash App.

As we have discussed, if you block someone on Cash App, they will not be able to send you any further requests or messages. Additionally, they will not be able to see your profile or your activity on the app. This means that if you are looking to cut ties with someone on Cash App, blocking is a great option.

However, it's important to note that if you have already sent money to someone before you blocked them, they will still be able to see your transaction history. While they won't be able to initiate any new transactions with you, they can still see your past activity on the app.

If you are concerned about someone seeing your transaction history, you may want to consider deleting your account and creating a new one. This will erase all of your past activity and ensure that the person you blocked cannot see anything related to your previous account.

Another thing to keep in mind is that blocking someone on Cash App does not prevent them from being able to contact you through other means. If the person you blocked has your phone number or email address, they may still be able to reach out to you outside of the app. If this is a concern, you may want to consider blocking them on all platforms where you have contact with them.

It's also worth noting that blocking someone on Cash App is not a permanent solution. If you ever decide that you want to unblock them, you can easily do so by going to your settings and removing them from your blocked list.

Overall, blocking someone on Cash App is a great way to cut ties with someone and prevent them from being able to contact you through the app. While they may still be able to see your transaction history if you have already sent money to them, this can be easily remedied by creating a new account. We hope that this article has helped answer any questions you may have had about blocking on Cash App.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Cash App's customer support team. They will be able to provide you with more information and assistance if needed.

Thank you again for reading our article, and we wish you all the best in your future Cash App transactions!

People Also Ask About If You Block Someone on Cash App Can They Still See You?

Can Blocked Users Access My Account?

If you block someone on Cash App, they can no longer send you money, request money from you, or see your transactions. However, they can still access your public profile information, such as your name and profile picture.

Can a Blocked User Unblock Themselves?

No, a blocked user cannot unblock themselves on Cash App. Only the person who initiated the block can unblock the other party. If you want to unblock someone on Cash App, simply go to your settings and select the blocked users option to unblock them.

Will I Receive Notifications From a Blocked User?

No, once you block someone on Cash App, you will no longer receive any notifications from them. Additionally, they will not be able to contact you through the app or receive any notifications from you either.

What Happens to Pending Transactions?

If you block someone on Cash App while there is a pending transaction between you two, the transaction will still go through. However, you will not receive any notifications or updates regarding the transaction from the blocked user.

  • In conclusion, if you block someone on Cash App, they will no longer be able to send you money or see your transactions.
  • A blocked user cannot unblock themselves; only the person who initiated the block can unblock them.
  • You will not receive any notifications or updates from a blocked user on Cash App.
  • If there is a pending transaction between you and a blocked user, the transaction will still go through, but you will not receive any updates from the blocked user.