Discover Who Blocked You on Instagram with These Top Apps in 2021


Curious if someone blocked you on Instagram? Find out with these top-rated apps that reveal who has blocked you on the social media platform.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with millions of active users. However, like any other social media platform, it can sometimes be frustrating to deal with blocking. We've all been there - wondering why someone stopped liking or commenting on our posts, only to realize that they've blocked us. While Instagram does not provide a feature to see who has blocked you, many third-party apps claim to offer this service. So, the question remains - is there an app to see who blocked you on Instagram?

Before we delve into the answer to this question, it's important to understand how blocking works on Instagram. When someone blocks you on Instagram, you will no longer be able to see their posts, stories, or profile. You will also not be able to send them direct messages, and they will not be able to see your posts or stories.

Now, back to the question at hand - is there an app to see who blocked you on Instagram? The short answer is yes, there are several apps available that claim to provide this service. However, it's important to note that Instagram does not endorse or support these apps, and using them may come with some risks.

One of the most popular apps that claim to show you who has blocked you on Instagram is called Who Deleted Me. This app allows you to see who has unfollowed you, as well as who has blocked you, on both Instagram and Facebook. It's important to note that this app requires you to log in with your Instagram account information, which may pose a security risk.

Another app that claims to offer this service is called Followers & Unfollowers. This app not only allows you to see who has blocked you on Instagram, but it also provides you with tools to manage your followers and track your growth on the platform. However, like Who Deleted Me, this app also requires you to log in with your Instagram account information.

While these apps may seem like a convenient way to find out who has blocked you on Instagram, it's important to consider the risks involved. Giving third-party apps access to your Instagram account information can pose a security risk, and there is no guarantee that these apps will provide accurate information.

So, what should you do if you suspect that someone has blocked you on Instagram? The best course of action is to simply move on and focus on building positive relationships with your other followers. It's important to remember that social media is just one small part of our lives, and there are more important things to focus on than who has blocked us.

In conclusion, while there are several apps available that claim to show you who has blocked you on Instagram, it's important to consider the risks involved before using them. Instead, focus on building positive relationships with your followers and creating valuable content that people will want to engage with. Remember, social media is just one small part of our lives, and it's not worth getting too worked up over who has blocked us.


Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms that allow users to share their photos and videos with their followers. However, there are times when you may notice that someone has stopped following or interacting with you on Instagram. It is natural to wonder whether they have blocked you or not. Unfortunately, Instagram does not provide a feature to see who has blocked you, but there are third-party apps available that claim to do so.

Why People Block Others on Instagram?

The reasons why people block others on Instagram can vary from person to person. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • They no longer want to see your content.
  • They feel harassed or uncomfortable by your posts or comments.
  • They suspect that you are a fake account or a bot.
  • They want to keep their profile private and only allow close friends and family to follow them.

Third-Party Apps to See Who Blocked You on Instagram

There are several third-party apps available on both iOS and Android that claim to show you who has blocked you on Instagram. However, it is important to note that these apps are not officially endorsed by Instagram, and some of them may even be scams that could compromise your personal information or login credentials.

Here are some of the most popular third-party apps that claim to show you who has blocked you on Instagram:

  • Followers & Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram: This app is available for both iOS and Android and allows you to track your followers, unfollowers, and blockers on Instagram. The app also provides insights into your followers' engagement and activity levels.
  • InsTrack: This app is only available for iOS and provides detailed analytics on your Instagram account, including who has blocked you, who has recently followed or unfollowed you, and your overall engagement levels.
  • FollowMeter for Instagram: This app is available for both iOS and Android and provides real-time insights into your Instagram account, including who has blocked or unfollowed you, who your top followers are, and which posts are performing the best.

Do These Apps Really Work?

While these apps may claim to show you who has blocked you on Instagram, there is no guarantee that they will be accurate or reliable. Instagram does not provide any official API for third-party developers to access user data, so these apps may be using questionable methods to gather information about your account.

Here are some of the most common issues that users have reported with these apps:

  • The app may not update in real-time, so the information may be outdated or inaccurate.
  • The app may not differentiate between someone who has blocked you and someone who has simply deleted their account.
  • The app may require you to log in with your Instagram credentials, which could compromise your account security.
  • The app may contain ads or require in-app purchases to unlock certain features.

What Can You Do Instead?

If you suspect that someone has blocked you on Instagram, there are a few things you can do to confirm your suspicions:

Check Their Profile

If you can no longer see someone's profile or posts, it could be a sign that they have blocked you. Try searching for their username in the Instagram search bar or through a mutual friend's account to see if you can still access their profile.

Send Them a Direct Message

If you are unsure whether someone has blocked you or simply unfollowed you, you can try sending them a direct message. If you have been blocked, your message will not be delivered, and you will not be able to see their profile.

Ask a Mutual Friend

If you have a mutual friend with the person you suspect has blocked you, you can ask them to check if they can still see the person's profile or posts. However, keep in mind that the person may have also blocked your mutual friend.


While there are several third-party apps available that claim to show you who has blocked you on Instagram, there is no guarantee that they are accurate or reliable. It is important to be cautious when using these apps and to never share your Instagram login credentials with anyone.

If you suspect that someone has blocked you on Instagram, you can try checking their profile, sending them a direct message, or asking a mutual friend to confirm your suspicions. Remember that being blocked on Instagram is not the end of the world, and there are plenty of other followers and friends out there who will appreciate your content and engagement.

The Frustration of Not Knowing Who Blocked You on Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that has become an essential part of our daily lives. It allows us to share our photos, videos, and stories with our friends and followers. However, things can get frustrating when we suspect someone has blocked us on Instagram. Not knowing who blocked you can be a source of anxiety and curiosity, leaving you wondering what you might have done wrong. In this article, we will explore the possibilities of finding out who has blocked you on Instagram.

Can You Really Find Out Who Blocked You on Instagram?

The answer is yes and no. Instagram's blocking feature is designed to protect users' privacy, and it does not notify the person being blocked. Therefore, if someone blocks you on Instagram, you won't receive any notification or message telling you that you've been blocked. The only way to confirm whether someone has blocked you is by checking their profile manually. If you can no longer see their posts or stories, and their profile has disappeared from your search results, then it's likely they have blocked you.

The Limitations of Instagram's Blocking Feature

While Instagram's blocking feature is an effective way to protect your privacy, it has limitations. For example, if someone has blocked you, you won't be able to see any of their activities on Instagram, including their likes, comments, and follows. This can be frustrating, especially if you're trying to figure out why you were blocked and what you did wrong. Additionally, if you suspect that someone has blocked you, you may want to reach out to them to clarify things. Still, you won't be able to do so if they have blocked you.

The Popularity of Third-Party Apps for Finding Out Who Blocked You

As Instagram's blocking feature has its limitations, many third-party apps claim to help users find out who has blocked them. These apps work by analyzing your Instagram account and providing you with a list of people who have unfollowed or blocked you. Some of the most popular apps include Followers & Unfollowers, Reports+, and Who Deleted Me. While these apps can be useful in identifying who has unfollowed you, they are not always accurate when it comes to identifying who has blocked you.

The Risks of Using Third-Party Apps for Instagram

Using third-party apps to find out who has blocked you on Instagram comes with risks. Many of these apps require you to log in using your Instagram account, which means giving them access to your personal information. This can be dangerous, as some of these apps may use your data for malicious purposes, such as selling it to third-party advertisers or hackers. Additionally, some of these apps may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or compromise your security.

Alternatives to Using Apps to Find Out Who Blocked You

If you're concerned about your privacy and security, there are alternatives to using third-party apps to find out who has blocked you on Instagram. One way is to manually check the person's profile to see if you can still view their posts and stories. If you can't, it's likely that they have blocked you. Another way is to ask a mutual friend if they can still see the person's activities on Instagram. If they can, then you've likely been blocked.

The Importance of Respecting Others' Privacy on Social Media

While it can be frustrating not to know who has blocked you on Instagram, it's essential to respect others' privacy on social media. People have the right to block anyone they want, for any reason. It's not your place to question their decision or to try to force them to unblock you. Instead, focus on improving your behavior and interactions on social media to avoid getting blocked in the first place.

How to Avoid Getting Blocked on Instagram in the First Place

The best way to avoid getting blocked on Instagram is to be respectful and mindful of others' feelings. Here are some tips to help you avoid getting blocked:
  • Don't spam people's feeds with excessive posts or comments.
  • Avoid posting offensive or controversial content that may offend others.
  • Don't harass or bully other users, even if you disagree with them.
  • Respect others' privacy and boundaries, including their decision to unfollow or block you.
  • Be authentic and genuine in your interactions with others, and avoid pretending to be someone you're not.
By following these tips, you can build positive relationships with others on Instagram and avoid getting blocked.

The Impact of Social Media on Our Mental Health and Wellbeing

While Instagram can be a fun and enjoyable platform, it can also have a negative impact on our mental health and wellbeing. Research has shown that excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Additionally, comparing ourselves to others on social media can lead to low self-esteem and body image issues.If you're feeling down or anxious about being blocked on Instagram, it's essential to take care of your mental health. Talk to a trusted friend or family member, practice self-care activities like exercise or meditation, and limit your social media use if needed. Remember that social media is not a reflection of your worth or value as a person, and there are plenty of other areas of life where you can find fulfillment and happiness.

Moving On from Instagram Block and Finding Value in Other Areas of Life

If you've been blocked on Instagram, it's important to remember that there is more to life than social media. Focus on building positive relationships with those around you, pursuing your passions and hobbies, and finding joy in everyday moments. Remember that social media is just a small part of your life, and there are many other ways to connect with others and find meaning and purpose.In conclusion, finding out who has blocked you on Instagram can be frustrating, but it's not the end of the world. Remember to respect others' privacy, avoid using risky third-party apps, and focus on building positive relationships both online and offline. By taking care of your mental health and wellbeing, you can move on from the Instagram block and find value in other areas of life.

Is There an App to See Who Blocked You on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with millions of users worldwide. While it enables you to connect with people and share your moments, it also allows you to block someone if you don't want them to see your posts or interact with you. But what if you're curious about who has blocked you on Instagram? Is there an app that can help you find out?

The Pros of Using an App to See Who Blocked You on Instagram

  • It can give you closure: If you've been wondering why someone hasn't been interacting with you on Instagram, finding out that they've blocked you can help you understand the situation and move on.
  • It's easy to use: Most apps that claim to help you see who blocked you on Instagram are user-friendly and don't require any technical knowledge.
  • It can save you time: Instead of manually checking every person's profile to see if they've blocked you, an app can scan your followers list and tell you who's missing.

The Cons of Using an App to See Who Blocked You on Instagram

  • It may not be accurate: Instagram doesn't provide an official API for developers to access user data, so apps that claim to show you who's blocked you may not be reliable.
  • It may violate Instagram's terms of service: Using third-party apps to access Instagram's data is against the platform's rules, and your account could be banned or suspended if you're caught.
  • It may compromise your privacy: Some apps require you to log in with your Instagram credentials, which could put your account at risk of being hacked or stolen.

Table Comparison of Popular Apps that Claim to Show Who Blocked You on Instagram

App Name Price Accuracy Privacy Risk
Blockers Spy for Instagram Free, with in-app purchases Low High
Followers Insight for Instagram Free, with in-app purchases Medium Low
Who Unfollowed Me for Instagram Free, with in-app purchases Low Medium

In conclusion, while there are apps that claim to help you see who's blocked you on Instagram, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before using them. If you're willing to take the risk and use an app, make sure to choose a reputable one and be cautious about sharing your personal information.

Is There an App to See Who Blocked You on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over a billion monthly active users. It's no surprise that many people use it to stay connected with friends, family, and even their favorite celebrities. However, sometimes you may find that someone has blocked you on Instagram, and you may wonder if there is an app that can help you find out who that person is.

Unfortunately, there is no official app or feature on Instagram that allows you to see who has blocked you. Instagram does not provide this information to its users, and any third-party apps claiming to do so are likely scams or could potentially harm your device.

While it may be frustrating not knowing who has blocked you, it's important to remember that blocking is a personal choice, and everyone has the right to control who they interact with on social media. It's also worth noting that being blocked on Instagram does not necessarily mean that the person dislikes you or has any ill intentions towards you; they may have simply decided to limit their social media interactions or may have had a disagreement with you in the past.

If you suspect that someone has blocked you on Instagram, there are a few ways to confirm this without using any third-party apps:

1. Search for the user's profile

If you can't find the user's profile when searching for their username, it's possible that they have blocked you. However, it's important to note that there could be other reasons why you can't find their profile, such as the user changing their username or deleting their account.

2. Check your DMs

If you have previously messaged the user, you can check your direct messages to see if their profile and messages are still visible. If not, it's likely that they have blocked you.

3. Ask a mutual friend

If you have a mutual friend with the user, you can ask them if they can still see the user's profile or if they have been blocked as well.

While these methods may provide some indication of whether or not you have been blocked, they are not foolproof and may not always be accurate. It's important to respect the privacy and boundaries of others on social media, even if you don't agree with their actions.

In conclusion, there is no app or feature on Instagram that allows you to see who has blocked you. While it may be frustrating not knowing who has blocked you, it's important to remember that blocking is a personal choice, and everyone has the right to control who they interact with on social media. If you suspect that someone has blocked you, you can try the methods mentioned above, but it's important to respect their decision and move on.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope that it has provided some useful information on this topic. Remember to always use social media responsibly and with respect for others' privacy and boundaries.

People also ask about Is there an app to see who blocked you on Instagram?

1. Can I find out who blocked me on Instagram through an app?

There are several apps available in the market that claim to help you find out who blocked you on Instagram. However, Instagram does not allow any third-party apps to access their user data, including information about who has blocked you.

2. What happens when someone blocks you on Instagram?

When someone blocks you on Instagram, you will no longer be able to see their posts, stories, or profile. You will also not receive any notifications from them, and any messages you have sent them will not be delivered.

3. How can I tell if someone has blocked me on Instagram?

If someone has blocked you on Instagram, you will not be able to see their profile or posts. You can try searching for their username, but if it does not show up in the search results, it is likely that they have blocked you.

4. Is there any way to unblock yourself on Instagram?

No, there is no way to unblock yourself on Instagram. The only way to reconnect with someone who has blocked you is to create a new account and start following them again.

5. Should I use apps that claim to show who has blocked me on Instagram?

No, it is not recommended to use any apps that claim to show who has blocked you on Instagram. These apps can compromise your privacy and security by accessing your personal information or installing malware on your device.