Easy Guide: How to Disable Voice Navigation on the Uber App


Need to turn off voice navigation on Uber app? Follow these easy steps to disable it and enjoy a peaceful ride without any distractions.

Uber is a ride-sharing giant that has revolutionized the way people commute. With its easy-to-use app, you can request a ride with just a few taps on your smartphone. However, some users find the voice navigation feature in the app to be annoying and distracting. If you're one of those users, don't worry, turning off the voice navigation feature is a quick and easy process that can be done in just a few simple steps.

Firstly, to turn off voice navigation on the Uber app, you'll need to open the app on your smartphone and log in to your account. Once you're logged in, you'll see the map screen with your current location displayed. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see a menu bar with options for Where to? and Go to...

Next, tap on the menu bar and select the Settings option. In the Settings menu, you'll find a range of options that allow you to customize your Uber experience. Scroll down until you find the Navigation option and tap on it.

In the Navigation menu, you'll see an option labeled Voiceover. This option controls the voice navigation feature in the app. By default, the Voiceover option is turned on. To turn it off, simply slide the toggle switch next to it to the left. Once you've done this, the voice navigation feature will be disabled, and you'll no longer receive voice prompts when navigating with the Uber app.

If you want to enable voice navigation again, simply follow the same steps and slide the toggle switch back to the right. It's that easy!

Alternatively, if you want to keep the voice navigation feature but adjust the volume, you can do so by tapping on the Volume option in the Navigation menu. Here, you can adjust the volume of the voice prompts to your liking.

Another useful feature in the Navigation menu is the Preferred route option. This allows you to choose between the fastest or the shortest route when requesting a ride. If you prefer a particular route, you can select it here.

If you want to customize your Uber experience even further, you can do so by exploring the other options in the Settings menu. Here, you can change your payment method, view your trip history, and adjust your notification settings.

In conclusion, turning off voice navigation on the Uber app is a simple and easy process that can be done in just a few steps. By disabling this feature, you can enjoy a more peaceful and distraction-free ride. Remember, if you want to enable voice navigation again, you can do so at any time by following the same steps outlined above.


Uber is one of the most popular ride-sharing apps in the world. It has made transportation easier and more convenient for everyone. However, some people find the voice navigation feature in the app to be quite annoying. If you are one of those people, don't worry! In this article, we will show you how to turn off voice navigation on Uber.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Turn Off Voice Navigation on Uber

Step 1: Open the Uber App

The first step to turning off voice navigation on the Uber app is to open the app on your smartphone. Make sure you have a stable internet connection before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Go to the Menu

Once you have opened the Uber app, you will see three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. Click on these lines to access the menu.

Step 3: Select Settings

In the menu, you will see several options. Select Settings from the list.

Step 4: Click on Navigation

Under the Settings option, you will see several sub-options. Click on Navigation to proceed.

Step 5: Choose Sound Settings

On the Navigation page, you will see several options related to navigation. Select Sound Settings to proceed.

Step 6: Turn Off Voice Navigation

Under Sound Settings, you will see an option called Voice Navigation. Turn off this option to disable voice navigation on the Uber app.

Step 7: Save Your Changes

After turning off Voice Navigation, make sure to save your changes by clicking on the Save button.

Step 8: Exit the Uber App

Once you have saved your changes, exit the Uber app and restart it to apply the changes.

Step 9: Test the Changes

After restarting the Uber app, test the changes by booking a ride and navigating to your destination. You should no longer hear any voice navigation prompts.

Step 10: Re-enable Voice Navigation (Optional)

If you ever want to re-enable voice navigation on the Uber app, simply follow the same steps and turn on the Voice Navigation option under Sound Settings.


By following these simple steps, you can easily turn off voice navigation on the Uber app. This will make your ride more peaceful and enjoyable, especially if you prefer to navigate on your own or already know the route. Remember, you can always re-enable voice navigation if needed.

Why Turn Off Voice Navigation on Your Uber App?

Using voice navigation on your Uber app can be quite helpful, especially if you are in a new city or unfamiliar with the route. However, there may be times when you would prefer to turn off the voice navigation feature. Here are some reasons why:

1. Distraction

Voice navigation can be distracting, especially if you are driving in heavy traffic or in an area with lots of road construction. It can be difficult to concentrate on the road ahead while also trying to listen to the directions being given by the app.

2. Unwanted Noise

If you are in a quiet environment or have passengers who do not want to hear the voice navigation, turning it off can be a good idea. This can help create a more peaceful environment and make for a more enjoyable ride.

3. Battery Life

Using voice navigation can drain your phone's battery quickly. If you are on a long trip, turning off the feature can help conserve your phone's battery life.

4. Personal Preference

Some people simply prefer to navigate without voice prompts. They may find it easier to follow the visual directions provided by the app or may feel more in control when navigating on their own.Whatever your reason for wanting to turn off voice navigation on your Uber app, it is a simple process. Here is a step-by-step guide to disabling voice directions in the Uber app.

Step-by-Step Guide to Turning Off Voice Navigation on Uber

Step 1: Open the Uber App

To turn off voice navigation on your Uber app, start by opening the app on your smartphone.

Step 2: Select Your Trip

Select the trip you want to take by entering your destination in the Where to? field.

Step 3: Tap the Sound Icon

Once you have selected your destination, you will see a speaker icon on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Tap on this icon.

Step 4: Turn Off Sound

A pop-up menu will appear with three sound options: On, Off, and Alerts only. To turn off voice navigation, select Off.

Step 5: Confirm Your Choice

Once you have turned off voice navigation, you will see a message confirming your choice. Simply tap OK to confirm and continue with your ride.

Tips for Navigating Without Voice Prompts on Uber

When you turn off voice navigation on your Uber app, you will need to rely on visual prompts to navigate to your destination. Here are some tips to help you navigate without voice prompts:

1. Plan Your Route Ahead of Time

Before you start your trip, take a few minutes to review the route on your map. This will help you become familiar with the roads you will be traveling on and make it easier to follow the visual prompts provided by the app.

2. Pay Attention to the Road Signs

As you drive, pay attention to the road signs and landmarks around you. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you do not miss any turns.

3. Use the Visual Prompts Provided by the App

The Uber app provides visual prompts, such as arrows and street names, to help you navigate to your destination. Pay attention to these prompts and follow them closely.

4. Use a GPS Device

If you are uncomfortable navigating without voice prompts, consider using a GPS device or other navigation tool to help guide you to your destination.

What to Do If Voice Navigation Is Interfering with Your Uber Ride Experience

While voice navigation can be helpful, it can also be a source of frustration if it is not working properly. If you are experiencing issues with voice navigation on your Uber app, here are some troubleshooting tips to try:

1. Check Your Phone's Settings

Make sure that the volume on your phone is turned up and that the sound settings on your Uber app are configured correctly.

2. Restart the App

Try restarting the Uber app to see if this resolves the issue.

3. Update the App

If you have an older version of the Uber app, updating to the latest version may resolve any issues you are experiencing.

4. Contact Uber Support

If none of these troubleshooting tips work, contact Uber support for further assistance.

Simple Ways to Customize Your Uber Ride Settings for a Smoother Trip

In addition to turning off voice navigation, there are other ways to customize your Uber ride settings to ensure a smoother trip. Here are some options to consider:

1. Change Your Payment Method

If you prefer to pay with cash or a different payment method, you can change your payment settings in the app.

2. Set Your Pickup Location

By default, the Uber app will use your current location as your pickup location. However, you can manually set your pickup location to ensure that your driver knows exactly where to find you.

3. Choose Your Ride Type

Uber offers several different ride types, including UberX, UberXL, and UberBLACK. Choose the ride type that best suits your needs and preferences.

4. Set Your Destination and Route

Before you start your trip, set your destination and route in the app. This will help ensure that your driver knows where you want to go and that you arrive at your destination as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The Benefits of Turning Off Voice Navigation for Uber Drivers and Passengers

There are several benefits to turning off voice navigation on your Uber app, both for drivers and passengers.

For Drivers:

- Turning off voice navigation can help minimize distractions and improve driving safety.- It can also help conserve your phone's battery life during long trips.- By relying on visual prompts instead of voice prompts, you may be able to navigate more efficiently and avoid missing turns or exits.

For Passengers:

- Turning off voice navigation can create a more peaceful ride experience, especially if you are sensitive to noise or prefer a quieter environment.- It can also make it easier to have conversations with your driver or fellow passengers without having to compete with the voice prompts.

How to Adjust Navigation Settings on the Uber App for a More Personalized Ride

The Uber app offers several navigation settings that you can adjust to personalize your ride experience. Here are some options to consider:

1. Choose Your Preferred Navigation App

By default, the Uber app uses Google Maps for navigation. However, you can choose a different navigation app, such as Waze or Apple Maps, if you prefer.

2. Adjust the Volume

You can adjust the volume of the navigation prompts in the Uber app to find the right balance between helpful guidance and unwanted noise.

3. Turn On/Off Alerts

If you prefer to receive alerts about upcoming turns or road closures, you can turn on these alerts in the app. Alternatively, you can turn them off if you prefer to navigate without any interruptions.

Troubleshooting Tips for Disabling Voice Navigation on the Uber App

If you are having trouble disabling voice navigation on your Uber app, try these troubleshooting tips:

1. Check Your Sound Settings

Make sure that the sound settings on your Uber app are configured correctly and that the volume is turned up.

2. Restart the App

Try restarting the Uber app to see if this resolves the issue.

3. Update the App

If you have an older version of the Uber app, updating to the latest version may resolve any issues you are experiencing.

4. Contact Uber Support

If none of these troubleshooting tips work, contact Uber support for further assistance.

Making the Most Out of Your Uber Ride by Turning Off Voice Navigation

Turning off voice navigation on your Uber app can make for a more enjoyable and peaceful ride experience for both drivers and passengers. By following the step-by-step guide and tips provided in this article, you can navigate without voice prompts and customize your Uber ride settings for a smoother trip.

Turning off Voice Navigation on Uber App

Point of View

As a frequent user of the Uber app, I believe that turning off voice navigation can be helpful in certain situations. While voice navigation can be useful for first-time users or navigating unfamiliar areas, it can also be distracting and annoying, especially when driving in a familiar area or with passengers who prefer silence.

Pros of Turning Off Voice Navigation

  • Less distracting: Without the constant voice prompts, drivers can focus more on the road and their surroundings.
  • Less annoying: Some passengers may find the voice navigation annoying or prefer a quieter ride.
  • Personal preference: Some drivers may simply prefer to navigate using visual cues rather than voice prompts.

Cons of Turning Off Voice Navigation

  • Potential for getting lost: Drivers who are not familiar with an area may miss important turns or landmarks without the voice prompts.
  • Inconvenient for first-time users: New users may rely on the voice prompts to guide them through the app and may struggle without them.
  • May take longer to navigate: Without the voice prompts, drivers may need to rely more on visual cues, which can take longer to process and may result in longer trip times.

Table Comparison of Voice Navigation vs. Visual Navigation

Criteria Voice Navigation Visual Navigation
Distracting Yes No
Annoying Can be No
Potential for getting lost No Yes
Inconvenient for first-time users No Yes
May take longer to navigate No Yes
In conclusion, turning off voice navigation on the Uber app can have its pros and cons. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the situation at hand. While it may be helpful in some cases, drivers should consider their familiarity with the area and the preferences of their passengers before deciding to turn off voice navigation.

How to Turn off Voice Navigation on Uber App?

Gone are the days when we had to rely on public transportation or hailed a taxi to reach our destination. With the advent of ride-hailing apps like Uber, getting a ride has become more convenient and accessible than ever before. However, one common issue that many Uber users face is the constant voice navigation on the app during their ride. While some people find it helpful, others might feel it is distracting or annoying. If you're one of those who prefer a silent ride, here's how you can turn off voice navigation on the Uber app.

Firstly, it is essential to note that you can only turn off voice navigation on the Uber app before starting your trip. Once the trip has begun, you will not be able to change this setting. Therefore, make sure you follow these steps before your driver arrives.

The first step is to open the Uber app on your smartphone. Once the app is launched, you'll be taken to the home screen, where you can see your location and search for your destination. Now, tap on the Where to? box and enter your destination. You'll then be presented with a list of available ride options, along with their estimated fares.

Next, select the ride option that suits your needs and tap on the Confirm UberX or Confirm [Your Ride Option] button. This will bring up the ride details screen, where you can see the driver's name, car type, and estimated time of arrival, among other details.

Now, before you hit the Request button, tap on the Edit icon (it looks like a pencil) next to your pickup location. This will take you to the Choose pickup point screen, where you can see your current location and make any necessary changes.

On this screen, you'll also see an option that says Trip settings. Tap on it to reveal a drop-down menu with three options: Navigation, Music, and Chats.

Select the Navigation option, and you'll be taken to a new screen that shows you three choices: Voice, Beeps, and None. By default, the Voice option is selected, which means you'll hear voice navigation during your ride.

To turn off voice navigation, select the None option. You can also choose the Beeps option if you prefer to hear only audible cues instead of voice instructions. Once you've made your selection, tap on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Now that you've turned off voice navigation, you can hit the Request button to confirm your ride. Your driver will arrive shortly, and you can sit back and enjoy a silent ride without any distractions from the app.

If at any point during your ride, you feel the need to turn on voice navigation again, you can do so by following these same steps and selecting the Voice option instead of None or Beeps.

In conclusion, turning off voice navigation on the Uber app is a simple process that can be done before starting your trip. By following the steps outlined above, you can enjoy a peaceful and distraction-free ride. However, keep in mind that turning off voice navigation might not be the best option for everyone. If you're in a new city or unfamiliar with the route, voice navigation can be helpful in guiding you to your destination. Therefore, it's always good to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

People Also Ask About How to Turn Off Voice Navigation on Uber App

How can I turn off voice navigation on Uber?

To turn off voice navigation on the Uber app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Uber app on your phone.
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Navigation and tap it.
  5. Toggle off Voice Navigation.

Can I turn off voice navigation for one ride only?

No, you cannot turn off voice navigation for one ride only. Once you turn it off in the settings, it will be disabled for all future rides until you turn it back on again.

Why would I want to turn off voice navigation on Uber?

Some people find the voice navigation on the Uber app to be distracting or annoying, especially if they are already familiar with the route. Turning off voice navigation can make for a quieter and more peaceful ride.

Will turning off voice navigation affect my driver's ability to navigate?

No, turning off voice navigation only affects your own experience as a passenger. Your driver will still receive turn-by-turn directions on their end, whether or not you have voice navigation enabled on your app.