Master the Art of Leveling Up Your D&D Beyond App Character with These Expert Tips


Learn how to level up your D&D character on the D&D Beyond app. Follow these simple steps and watch your character grow stronger!

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a popular tabletop role-playing game that has been around since the 70s. With the advancement of technology, playing D&D has become even more accessible with the D&D Beyond app. One of the most exciting parts of the game is leveling up your character. It not only gives you access to new abilities and spells but also changes the way your character interacts with the world. In this article, we will take a deep dive into how to level up your character on the D&D Beyond app.

Before we jump into the leveling up process, it's essential to understand what leveling up means. Leveling up is when your character gains enough experience points to progress to the next level. Each level comes with its own set of perks, such as new abilities and spells. The higher the level, the more powerful your character becomes.

The easiest way to level up your character on the D&D Beyond app is by earning experience points (XP). You can acquire XP by defeating enemies, completing quests, and achieving objectives. As your character gains XP, they'll eventually reach a new level. Here are some ways to earn XP:

Firstly, completing quests is an excellent way to earn XP quickly. You can find quests in the Quests tab of your character sheet. Completing these quests will give you a significant amount of XP, allowing you to level up your character faster. Additionally, quests provide an opportunity for your character to interact with the game's world, making the game even more immersive.

Another way to earn XP is by defeating monsters. Every monster you defeat will give you a certain amount of XP, depending on its level and difficulty. You can find information about a monster's XP value in the D&D Beyond Monster Manual. Defeating monsters is an excellent way to earn XP, especially if you're looking to level up quickly.

Completing objectives is also a fantastic way to earn XP. Objectives can vary from finding a specific item to rescuing a captive. Completing objectives not only gives you XP but also adds to the game's story. It's a win-win situation!

Now that we've covered how to earn XP let's talk about how to level up your character on the D&D Beyond app. Once your character has earned enough XP, they'll be prompted to level up. Here's how to level up:

Firstly, click on your character's name in the My Characters tab. Once you're on your character sheet, click on the Level button. This will take you to a screen where you can select which class you want to level up in. Choose the class you want to level up and click Continue.

Next, you'll be taken to a screen that shows you what new abilities and spells you've unlocked. Take some time to read through these and decide which ones you want to add to your character's repertoire. Click Next, and you'll be taken to a screen where you can update your character's stats and hit points. Make any necessary changes and click Next.

Finally, you'll be taken to a screen that shows you a summary of all the changes you've made. Double-check everything to make sure it's correct, then click Level Up. Congratulations! Your character has leveled up.

It's important to note that leveling up isn't just about gaining new abilities and spells. It's also an opportunity to develop your character's backstory and personality. You can use the new abilities and spells you've gained to inform your character's actions and interactions with other characters in the game.

In conclusion, leveling up your character on the D&D Beyond app is a straightforward process. By earning XP through completing quests, defeating monsters, and achieving objectives, you can level up your character quickly. Once you've earned enough XP, click on the Level button on your character sheet, select which class you want to level up in, and choose which new abilities and spells you want to add to your character's repertoire. With every level, your character will become more powerful and exciting to play.


Dungeons & Dragons is a popular tabletop role-playing game that has been played for decades. With the advent of technology, the game has now been digitized, and D&D Beyond is one of the most popular apps for playing the game online. In this article, we will discuss how to level up your character on the D&D Beyond app.

Understanding Character Levels

Before we dive into how to level up your character, it's essential to understand what character levels are in D&D. As you progress through the game, your character gains experience points (XP) for completing quests or defeating monsters. Once you have enough XP, your character will level up, gaining new abilities, spells, and hit points.

How to Check Your Character's Level

To check your character's current level on the D&D Beyond app, go to the My Characters tab and select the character you want to check. The character's level will be displayed at the top of the page.

Earning Experience Points

To level up your character, you need to earn experience points by completing quests, defeating monsters, or achieving other objectives set by the Dungeon Master (DM). The amount of XP you earn varies based on the difficulty of the task you completed.

Completing Quests

Quests are the main way to earn XP in D&D. As you progress through the game, your DM will assign various quests that you need to complete. Completing these quests will reward you with XP, which will help you level up your character.

Defeating Monsters

Defeating monsters is another way to earn XP in D&D. Each monster has a specific XP value assigned to it, and defeating them will earn you that amount of XP.

Leveling Up Your Character

Once you have earned enough XP, you can level up your character. Leveling up your character will grant you new abilities, spells, and hit points.

Choosing Your New Abilities

When you level up, you can choose new abilities for your character. These abilities vary based on your character's class and level. For example, a wizard may gain access to new spells, while a fighter may gain new combat abilities.

Updating Your Hit Points

As you level up, your character's hit points will increase. To update your character's hit points on the D&D Beyond app, go to the Character Sheet tab and select the Hit Points section. Enter your character's new hit point total, and the app will update your character's stats.


Leveling up your character in D&D Beyond is an essential aspect of the game. By earning XP and choosing new abilities, you can make your character stronger and more capable. Use the tips outlined in this article to level up your character and take your D&D gameplay to the next level.

How to Level Up Your Character on D&D Beyond App

If you're a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, then you're probably familiar with D&D Beyond. It's a digital toolset that allows players to create and manage their characters, access rules, and track their progress in the game. In this article, we'll be discussing how to level up your character on D&D Beyond app. We'll cover everything from choosing the right race for your character to staying engaged and consistent in your gameplay.

Choosing the Right Race for Your Character

The first step to leveling up your character is to choose the right race. There are many races to choose from, each with its own unique abilities and traits. Some races are better suited for certain classes than others. For example, if you plan on playing a spellcaster, then you might want to consider choosing a race that has a bonus to Intelligence, such as a High Elf or a Gnome.It's also important to consider your character's background and personality when choosing a race. If you're playing a character who grew up in a particular region, then it would make sense to choose a race that is native to that region. Likewise, if your character has a particular personality trait, such as a love of nature, then you might want to consider choosing a race that has a connection to nature, such as a Wood Elf or a Half-Elf.

Understanding Your Character's Class and Abilities

Once you've chosen your character's race, it's time to select a class. Your character's class determines what abilities and powers they have access to. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose a class that fits your playstyle.When selecting a class, it's also important to consider your character's abilities. For example, if you have a high Strength score, then you might want to consider playing a class that specializes in melee combat, such as a Fighter or a Barbarian. Alternatively, if you have a high Intelligence score, then you might want to consider playing a class that specializes in spellcasting, such as a Wizard or a Sorcerer.

Strategizing Your Character's Skill Proficiencies

Skill proficiencies are another important aspect of character creation. These are skills that your character is particularly good at, such as Stealth or Persuasion. It's important to choose skill proficiencies that complement your character's class and abilities.When strategizing your character's skill proficiencies, it's also important to consider your party's composition. If you're playing with a group of players who all have similar skills, then it might be beneficial to choose skills that are less common, such as Arcana or History.

Investing in Your Character's Equipment and Gear

Equipment and gear are essential for any adventurer. Your character's equipment can affect their combat abilities, as well as their ability to survive in the wilderness. It's important to invest in quality gear that complements your character's class and abilities.When choosing equipment, it's also important to consider your character's budget. Some equipment can be expensive, so it's important to choose gear that provides the best value for your character's gold pieces.

Collaborating with Your Party to Gain Experience Points

Experience points (XP) are how characters level up in D&D. XP is earned by completing quests and defeating monsters. One way to earn XP quickly is to collaborate with your party members. By working together, you can take on tougher challenges and earn more XP.It's also important to communicate with your party when it comes to XP. Make sure everyone is keeping track of their XP and that everyone is earning an equal share. This will help ensure that everyone levels up at the same rate.

Mastering Combat and Combat Tactics

Combat is a major part of D&D, and it's important to master combat tactics if you want to level up your character quickly. This means understanding your character's strengths and weaknesses in combat, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies.When it comes to combat tactics, it's important to work with your party members. Coordinate your attacks and use your abilities to complement each other. By working together, you can take down even the toughest foes.

Building a Strong Character Background and Personality

In addition to combat abilities, it's also important to build a strong character background and personality. This will help you roleplay your character more effectively and make your character feel more real.When building a character background, consider your character's upbringing, family, and personal beliefs. These details can help inform your character's actions and decisions in the game.

Making Use of Feats and Multiclassing

Feats and multiclassing are two ways to customize your character and make them more powerful. Feats are special abilities that can be acquired by characters at certain levels. Multiclassing allows characters to gain abilities from multiple classes.When choosing feats or multiclassing, it's important to consider how they fit into your character's overall build. Make sure the abilities you choose complement your character's class and abilities.

Building Relationships with NPCs and Quest Givers

NPCs and quest givers are important characters in any D&D campaign. Building relationships with these characters can lead to new quests and opportunities for your character.When interacting with NPCs and quest givers, it's important to pay attention to their personalities and motivations. This will help you make decisions that are in line with their goals and desires.

Staying Engaged and Consistent in Your Gameplay

Finally, it's important to stay engaged and consistent in your gameplay. This means showing up to sessions on time, paying attention during gameplay, and actively participating in the game.When you're engaged and consistent in your gameplay, you'll be able to level up your character more quickly and have more fun in the process.


Leveling up your character on D&D Beyond app requires careful consideration of your character's race, class, abilities, skills, equipment, and tactics. By collaborating with your party, building a strong character background, and staying engaged in your gameplay, you can create a powerful and memorable character that will take you on many exciting adventures in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

Leveling Up Your D&D Beyond Character: A Point of View

Pros and Cons of Using the D&D Beyond App for Leveling Up Characters

As a player of Dungeons & Dragons, leveling up your character is an exciting process. It's a chance to gain new abilities, spells, and feats that can make your character even more powerful and versatile. However, leveling up can also be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with the rules or if you're playing a complex class like a wizard or a bard. This is where the D&D Beyond app comes in handy.

For those who are unfamiliar, D&D Beyond is an online platform that allows players to create, manage, and track their characters. It has a variety of features that can make the leveling up process easier, such as automatic calculations for hit points and spell slots, as well as access to the official rules and sourcebooks. However, there are also some drawbacks to using the app for leveling up. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  1. Automatic calculations for hit points, spell slots, and other abilities
  2. Access to official rules and sourcebooks
  3. Easy to keep track of character progression and level advancement
  4. Can save time and reduce errors compared to manual calculations and tracking


  1. Requires internet access and a subscription to use all features
  2. May be less immersive than manually tracking character progress
  3. Less flexibility in customizing character options compared to manual tracking
  4. May not be suitable for players who prefer physical character sheets or who are not tech-savvy

Comparison Table: D&D Beyond vs. Manual Character Tracking

To help illustrate the differences between using D&D Beyond for leveling up and manually tracking character progress, here is a comparison table:

Feature D&D Beyond Manual Tracking
Automatic calculations for hit points, spell slots, etc. Yes No (must be calculated manually)
Access to official rules and sourcebooks Yes Yes (if you own the book or have access to it)
Easy to keep track of character progression Yes Yes (but may require more effort than using an app)
Flexibility in customizing character options Limited More (can use homebrew or variant rules)
Immersion Less More (if using physical character sheet or journal)
Accessibility Requires internet access and subscription Can be done offline and for free

In conclusion, whether you choose to use D&D Beyond for leveling up your character or prefer to do it manually, both methods have their own pros and cons. Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal preferences and playstyle. As long as you're having fun and enjoying the game, that's what matters most!

Leveling Up Your Character on D&D Beyond App

Welcome, fellow adventurers! If you're here, then you're probably looking for some tips on how to level up your character on the D&D Beyond app. As we all know, leveling up is an essential part of the game and can be quite exciting. However, it can also be daunting, especially for beginners. Fear not, for we have compiled a list of things that can help you level up your character in no time.

First and foremost, it's essential to understand the basics of leveling up. In D&D, leveling up means advancing your character's abilities, skills, and power. You gain experience points (XP) by completing quests, defeating monsters, and achieving goals. Once you accumulate enough XP, you can advance to the next level.

One of the critical factors in leveling up is keeping track of your character's XP. D&D Beyond app has made this process easier with its built-in XP tracker. The tracker allows you to see how much XP you've earned and how much you need to level up. It's a handy tool that helps you stay motivated and focused on your character's progression.

Another tip for leveling up your character is to understand the class and race you've chosen. Each class and race has its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding them can help you make informed decisions about which abilities to prioritize. For example, if you're playing a cleric, you'll want to focus on spells that heal or buff your allies. On the other hand, if you're playing a rogue, you'll want to focus on abilities that allow you to sneak around and deal damage from behind.

It's also crucial to pay attention to your character's stats. Stats such as strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma can affect your character's abilities and skills. For example, a character with high strength will be better at dealing melee damage, while a character with high charisma will be better at persuading NPCs. Understanding how these stats work and how they can benefit your character is essential in leveling up.

One of the most exciting parts of leveling up is choosing new abilities and spells. D&D Beyond app makes this process easy by providing you with a list of available options for your level. Take the time to read through them and choose the ones that best fit your playstyle. Don't be afraid to experiment with new abilities and spells. You never know what might come in handy during your next adventure.

As you progress through levels, you'll encounter more challenging quests and tougher monsters. It's essential to equip your character with the right gear and equipment to help you succeed. D&D Beyond app has a vast collection of items that you can choose from, including weapons, armor, and magical items. Make sure to take advantage of these items and equip your character with the best gear possible.

Another tip for leveling up is to work as a team. D&D is a cooperative game, and working together with your fellow adventurers can make all the difference. By pooling your resources and abilities, you can overcome even the toughest challenges. Make sure to communicate with your team and coordinate your efforts. Remember, there's no I in team.

Finally, it's essential to have fun while leveling up. D&D is a game, after all, and the point is to have a good time. Don't get too caught up in the mechanics of leveling up and forget to enjoy the journey. Take the time to role-play your character and immerse yourself in the world around you. The more invested you are in your character and the story, the more rewarding the experience will be.

So there you have it, adventurers. These are just a few tips to help you level up your character on the D&D Beyond app. Remember, leveling up takes time and effort, but with patience and perseverance, you can achieve greatness. Good luck on your next adventure, and may the dice be ever in your favor.

People Also Ask About How to Level Up Character on D&D Beyond App

What is D&D Beyond App?

D&D Beyond App is an official digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons, which allows players to create and manage their characters, track their progress, and access a variety of content related to the game.

How Do I Level Up My Character on D&D Beyond App?

To level up your character on D&D Beyond App, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account and select the character you want to level up.
  2. Click on the Edit button next to the character's name.
  3. Scroll down to the Class & Level section and click on the arrow icon next to the class you want to level up.
  4. Select the new level from the drop-down menu and click on Save Changes.

What Happens When I Level Up My Character?

When you level up your character, you gain new abilities, skills, and features based on your character class and level. You also increase your hit points and may gain new spells or other abilities.

Can I Level Up Multiple Classes on D&D Beyond App?

Yes, if your character has levels in multiple classes, you can level up each class separately on D&D Beyond App. Simply follow the same steps as above for each class you want to level up.

Do I Need to Pay to Level Up My Character on D&D Beyond App?

No, leveling up your character on D&D Beyond App is free. However, some additional content, such as new races, classes, or spells, may require a purchase.