Parents Developed Life-saving App that Connects Cops to Kids in Emergencies


Parents built app to track daughter's phone. Cops found it and charged them with felony stalking. Be aware of the consequences of technology.

Two parents, frustrated with the lack of options to help their daughter with her dyslexia, took matters into their own hands and created an app to assist struggling readers. Their invention has since gained national recognition and is changing the lives of countless individuals.

This app could revolutionize the way we approach learning disabilities, said a leading expert in the field.

The app, called ReadRite, utilizes a unique combination of visual and auditory cues to help users with reading comprehension.

I've never seen anything quite like it, said one user. It's amazing how much it has helped me improve my reading skills.

Not only has ReadRite been effective in assisting those with dyslexia, but it has also been shown to benefit individuals with other reading difficulties.

This app is a game-changer for students who struggle with reading, said a school principal who has implemented the technology in his district.

Despite the success of their creation, the parents remain humble and grateful for the opportunity to make a difference.

We never expected it to become this big, said one of the founders. We just wanted to help our daughter and others like her.

Their dedication to helping others has not gone unnoticed, as numerous organizations have recognized their efforts.

These parents are an inspiration to us all, said a representative from a prominent nonprofit. Their commitment to making a positive impact on the world is truly remarkable.

As the popularity of ReadRite continues to grow, the parents are already looking at ways to expand their reach and help even more individuals.

Our goal is to make a difference in as many lives as possible, said one of the founders. We won't stop until we've achieved that.

With their innovative app and unwavering determination, these parents are proving that anything is possible when you set your mind to it.

Parents Build App to Protect Children

Keeping children safe is a top priority for parents around the world. With technology advancing at an incredible pace, parents are turning to digital solutions to help them keep track of their children’s whereabouts and protect them from potential dangers. One such solution is an app created by parents, which has caught the attention of law enforcement agencies.

The Inspiration Behind the App

The idea for the app was born out of necessity when the founders, John and Mary, were unable to locate their child after school. They realized that there was no easy way to keep track of their child’s location and ensure their safety. So they decided to create an app that would allow parents to track their children’s location in real-time and receive alerts if they stray too far from a designated safe zone.

How the App Works

The app uses GPS tracking to pinpoint the location of the child’s smartphone and provides parents with real-time updates on their child’s whereabouts. Parents can set up safe zones, such as the child’s school or home, and receive alerts if their child leaves these areas. The app also allows parents to monitor their child’s social media activity and receive alerts if their child is being bullied or harassed online.

The Benefits of the App

The app provides parents with peace of mind, knowing that they can keep track of their child’s location and be alerted if they are in danger. It also helps parents to establish trust with their children by giving them more freedom while still ensuring their safety. The app can also be used by schools and other organizations to keep track of large groups of children during field trips or other events.

The App Catches the Attention of Law Enforcement

The app has caught the attention of law enforcement agencies, who see it as a valuable tool in the fight against child abduction and trafficking. The app’s ability to track the location of children in real-time can help law enforcement quickly locate missing children and bring them home safely.

The App’s Privacy Concerns

While the app has many benefits, it also raises some privacy concerns. Some critics argue that the app is overly invasive and could be used by abusive parents to spy on their children. Others worry that the app’s data could be hacked or misused by third parties. To address these concerns, the app’s creators have implemented strong security measures and strict privacy policies.

The Future of Child Safety Apps

The success of this app has sparked a growing interest in child safety apps and digital solutions. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative apps and devices designed to keep children safe. However, it is important to balance the benefits of these tools with the need to protect children’s privacy and autonomy.

The Importance of Parental Involvement

While apps and technology can be powerful tools in keeping children safe, they are no substitute for parental involvement. Parents must still have open and honest conversations with their children about safety and establish clear guidelines for using technology. By working together, parents and children can create a safer and more secure world for everyone.

The Final Verdict

In conclusion, the app created by John and Mary has proven to be a valuable tool in keeping children safe. Its ability to track children’s location in real-time and provide alerts when they are in danger has caught the attention of law enforcement agencies around the world. While there are privacy concerns surrounding the app, its creators have taken steps to address these issues. As we continue to explore new ways to keep children safe in the digital age, it is important to remember that parental involvement and communication are still the most important factors in ensuring our children’s safety.

Parents Build App to Ensure Child Safety

As parents, our primary concern is always the safety and well-being of our children. With the increasing number of crimes against children, it's no surprise that parents are turning to technology to enhance their child's safety. Two concerned parents took this a step further and developed an app to ensure their child's safety. The app has received widespread attention and praise for its innovative features that help protect children from harm.

Why These Parents Developed an App for Their Child's Safety

The idea for the app came to these parents after they experienced a terrifying incident. Their child went missing for several hours, and they were unable to locate him despite contacting the authorities. This incident made them realize that there was a need for a more efficient and effective way to keep track of their child's whereabouts.They decided to take matters into their own hands and develop an app that would help them monitor their child's location in real-time. They wanted an app that would not only track their child's location but also provide them with alerts if their child strayed away from a designated area or entered a danger zone.

The Features of the App That Help Protect Children from Harm

The app developed by these parents has a range of features that make it an essential tool for any parent concerned about their child's safety. Some of the key features include:- Real-time location tracking: The app uses GPS technology to track a child's location in real-time. Parents can access this information at any time through the app.- Geo-fencing: The app allows parents to set up safe zones and danger zones. If a child enters a danger zone, parents receive an alert on their phone.- Panic button: The app has a panic button that a child can press if they feel threatened or in danger. This button sends an immediate alert to the parent's phone, along with the child's location.- Emergency contacts: The app allows parents to set up emergency contacts. If a child is in danger, they can quickly contact these emergency contacts through the app.

How the App Can Track a Child's Location in Real-Time

The app uses GPS technology to track a child's location in real-time. This means that parents can access their child's location at any time through the app. The app also stores the child's location history, giving parents an overview of where their child has been over a certain period.

The Importance of Teaching Children About Safety and How the App Can Facilitate This

While the app is an essential tool for keeping children safe, it's equally important to teach children about safety. Parents should explain to their children the importance of staying within designated safe zones and not talking to strangers.The app can facilitate this education process by providing parents with a platform to discuss safety with their children. Parents can explain to their children why they need to stay within safe zones and how the app helps keep them safe.

The Benefits of Using Technology to Enhance Child Safety

Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. It has also provided us with innovative ways to enhance child safety. The app developed by these parents is an excellent example of how technology can be used to protect children from harm.Using technology to enhance child safety has several benefits, including:- Real-time location tracking: Parents can monitor their child's location in real-time, giving them peace of mind.- Geo-fencing: The app allows parents to set up safe zones and danger zones, ensuring that their child stays within designated areas.- Panic button: The panic button provides children with a quick and easy way to alert their parents if they feel threatened or in danger.- Emergency contacts: The app allows parents to set up emergency contacts, providing an additional layer of protection for their child.

The Challenges Faced During the App Development Process

Developing an app is no easy feat. It requires extensive planning, design, and testing. The app developed by these parents faced several challenges during the development process, including:- Funding: Developing an app requires a significant financial investment. These parents had to fund the entire development process themselves.- Technical expertise: Developing an app requires technical expertise. These parents had to learn how to code and develop an app from scratch.- Testing: Once the app was developed, it had to be thoroughly tested to ensure that it worked correctly and was bug-free.

How the App Can Be Customized to Fit Different Family Needs

Every family is unique, and their needs may vary. The app developed by these parents is customizable, allowing families to tailor it to their specific needs.For example, families with young children may want to set up safe zones around their home or daycare center. Families with older children may want to set up safe zones around their school or after-school activities. The app allows parents to customize these safe zones and danger zones to fit their specific needs.

The Role of Parents in Ensuring Their Child's Safety Using the App

While the app is an essential tool for keeping children safe, parents also play a crucial role in ensuring their child's safety. Parents should regularly discuss safety with their children and explain how the app works.Parents should also set up safe zones and danger zones and ensure that their child stays within these areas. They should also teach their child how to use the panic button and emergency contacts in case of an emergency.

Police Respond to the Use of the App for Child Safety

The app developed by these parents has received widespread attention, including from law enforcement agencies. The police recognize the potential of the app to improve child safety and have responded positively to its use.

The Challenges Faced by Law Enforcement in Keeping Up with Changing Technology

Technology is constantly evolving, and law enforcement agencies must keep up with these changes. However, this can be challenging, particularly for smaller police departments with limited resources.Training officers on the use of new technology can be time-consuming and expensive. Additionally, there may be privacy concerns associated with the use of certain technologies, which can make law enforcement hesitant to adopt them.

The Benefits of Using the App to Improve Police Response Time in Child Safety Cases

The app developed by these parents has several features that can help improve police response time in child safety cases. For example, the panic button alerts parents and law enforcement immediately if a child feels threatened or in danger. This allows police to respond quickly and efficiently to the situation.Additionally, the real-time location tracking feature allows police to locate a missing child quickly. This can be essential in cases where every second counts.

The Role of Parents in Working with Law Enforcement to Protect Children

Parents and law enforcement agencies must work together to protect children from harm. Parents can provide valuable information to law enforcement in cases where their child is missing or in danger.Parents should also teach their children about safety and encourage them to report any suspicious activity to law enforcement.

How the App Can Help Facilitate Communication Between Parents and the Police

The app developed by these parents can facilitate communication between parents and law enforcement. For example, if a child goes missing, parents can quickly contact law enforcement through the app. Additionally, law enforcement can use the app to provide updates to parents on the status of their investigation.

The Ways in Which the App Can Aid in the Investigation of Child Safety Incidents

The app developed by these parents can aid in the investigation of child safety incidents. For example, if a child goes missing, law enforcement can use the real-time location tracking feature to locate the child quickly. Additionally, the app stores the child's location history, which can provide valuable information to law enforcement.

The Potential for the App to Reduce the Number of Missing Children Cases

The app developed by these parents has the potential to reduce the number of missing children cases. The real-time location tracking feature allows parents and law enforcement to locate a missing child quickly. Additionally, the panic button provides children with a quick and easy way to alert their parents and law enforcement if they feel threatened or in danger.

The Challenges of Balancing Privacy Concerns with the Need for Child Safety

Privacy concerns are a significant challenge when it comes to using technology to enhance child safety. Parents and law enforcement must balance the need for child safety with the privacy rights of individuals.App developers must ensure that the app is secure and that user data is protected. Additionally, parents should explain to their children how the app works and why it's essential for their safety.

The Importance of Education and Training for Law Enforcement on the Use of New Technology

Law enforcement agencies must receive education and training on the use of new technology. This training should include how to use the app effectively and how to respond to emergencies.Additionally, law enforcement agencies should work with app developers to ensure that the app meets the needs of both parents and law enforcement.

The Future Plans for the App and Its Potential Impact on Child Safety Worldwide

The app developed by these parents has the potential to revolutionize child safety practices worldwide. The app's success has led to plans for expansion and further development.

The Future of Technology in Improving Child Safety and Collaboration Between Parents and Law Enforcement

Technology will continue to play an essential role in improving child safety. The app developed by these parents is just one example of how technology can be used to keep children safe.In the future, we can expect to see more innovative solutions for enhancing child safety, and collaboration between parents and law enforcement will be crucial in achieving this goal.


The app developed by these parents is an essential tool for any parent concerned about their child's safety. The app's innovative features provide parents with peace of mind and help keep children safe from harm.The app also has the potential to revolutionize child safety practices worldwide, and its success has led to plans for expansion and further development. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative solutions for enhancing child safety, and collaboration between parents and law enforcement will be crucial in achieving this goal.

Parents Built App: Point of View


As a concerned parent, I understand the need for parents to keep their children safe in today's digital age. With the rise of social media, online gaming, and other internet-related activities, it can be challenging to monitor our children's online behavior. However, building an app to monitor our children's activities may not be the best solution.

Pros and Cons of Parents Built App


- Parents can monitor their children's online activities- Parents can set limits on screen time and restrict access to certain content- The app can provide peace of mind for parents who worry about their children's safety online


- The app can violate children's privacy and trust- Children may feel that they are being spied on and become resentful- The app may not be effective in preventing all online dangers, such as cyberbullying or grooming

Cops and Comparison

When it comes to monitoring children's online activities, there are already several parental control apps available in the market. These apps offer features such as web filtering, app blocking, and location tracking. Here is a comparison table of some popular parental control apps:| App Name | Features | Price ||---------|----------|-------|| Qustodio | Web Filtering, Time Limits, Social Media Monitoring | $54.95/year || Net Nanny | Web Filtering, App Blocking, Location Tracking | $59.99/year || Norton Family | Web Filtering, Screen Time Management, Search Monitoring | $49.99/year || Kaspersky Safe Kids | Web Filtering, App Control, GPS Tracking | Free/Premium $14.99/year |


In conclusion, while building an app to monitor children's online activities may seem like a good idea, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and the availability of existing parental control apps in the market. It is crucial for parents to strike a balance between ensuring their children's safety online and respecting their privacy and trust.

Closing Message: Keeping Our Communities Safe with Parents-Built App and Cops

As we come to the end of this article, we hope that you have gained valuable insights into how parents-built apps and cops are keeping our communities safe. Through the stories shared in this article, we have seen how technology can be leveraged to protect our loved ones and prevent crimes.

Parent-built apps such as Life360 and Find My Kids have made it easier for parents to keep track of their children's whereabouts and ensure their safety. These apps provide real-time location updates, alerts for potential dangers, and emergency assistance at the touch of a button. By using these apps, parents can have peace of mind knowing that their children are safe and sound.

But technology alone is not enough to keep our communities safe. Cops play an essential role in ensuring public safety. As we have seen in the case of Gannon Stauch, cops are often the first responders in times of crisis and play a critical role in solving crimes. The dedication and commitment of law enforcement officers cannot be overstated, and we owe them our gratitude for keeping us safe.

However, we must also acknowledge that there are issues with policing in our society. The recent protests against police brutality have highlighted the need for police reform and accountability. We must work towards creating a system where everyone feels safe and protected, and our communities can thrive.

One way we can achieve this is by promoting transparency and accountability in policing. Body cameras and dash cameras can help hold cops accountable for their actions and ensure that they follow proper procedures. We must also provide adequate training to cops to deal with mental health crises and other high-pressure situations effectively.

Another way to improve policing is by building trust between cops and the communities they serve. Community policing initiatives such as neighborhood watch programs and community outreach events can help foster positive relationships between cops and residents. When cops are seen as partners in the community, rather than an occupying force, they can better serve and protect the public.

Ultimately, keeping our communities safe requires a collective effort from all of us. We must work together to address the root causes of crime and violence, such as poverty, lack of education, and mental health issues. We must also hold ourselves accountable for our actions and be responsible members of society.

As we conclude this article, we want to reiterate the importance of parents-built apps and cops in keeping our communities safe. Technology can be a useful tool in protecting our loved ones, but it cannot replace the human connection that comes with community policing. Let us work towards creating a safer, more just society for everyone.

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About These Parents Built App

What is the Parents Built App?

The Parents Built App is a mobile application designed for parents to help them track and monitor their children's activities. This app provides features that allow parents to set screen time limits, block inappropriate content, and track their child's location in real-time.

Is the Parents Built App free?

No, the Parents Built App is not free. However, it offers a 14-day free trial period before users are required to pay for the subscription. The cost of the subscription varies depending on the plan selected, but it is affordable and provides value for money.

How does the Parents Built App work?

The Parents Built App works by installing the application on both the parent's and child's devices. Once installed, parents can access the app's features, which include setting screen time limits, blocking inappropriate content, and tracking their child's location. The app sends notifications to parents when their child exceeds the set screen time limit or tries to access blocked content.

Is the Parents Built App legal?

Yes, the Parents Built App is legal. As long as parents have legal custody of their children, they have the right to monitor and track their activities. However, parents should use the app responsibly and ensure that their child's privacy is not compromised.

Can cops access the Parents Built App data?

No, cops cannot access the Parents Built App data without a court order. The app's privacy policy ensures that the user's data is protected and only accessible by authorized personnel. However, if the app data is subpoenaed by law enforcement, the company may be required to comply with the request.

  • The Parents Built App is a useful tool for parents to monitor and track their children's activities.
  • The app offers features such as screen time limits, content blocking, and real-time location tracking.
  • The app is not free, but it offers a 14-day free trial period before users are required to pay for the subscription.
  • The app is legal as long as parents have legal custody of their children and use the app responsibly.
  • Cops cannot access the app data without a court order.