Step-by-Step Guide: How to Leave Seller Feedback on Amazon App for a Seamless Customer Experience


Learn how to give valuable seller feedback on Amazon app in just a few clicks. Enhance your shopping experience and help others too.

As an Amazon shopper, you may have come across various products from different sellers. While some of these products may have exceeded your expectations, others may have fallen short. Regardless of the outcome, it's essential to leave feedback for the seller to help them improve their services and products.

Leaving feedback on Amazon is a quick and easy process that can be done through the Amazon app. However, it's not just about giving a rating or leaving a few words about the product. Your feedback can have a significant impact on the seller's business, so it's crucial to provide detailed and honest feedback.

If you're unsure how to give seller feedback on Amazon, don't worry. This article will guide you through the process step-by-step, providing you with tips and tricks to make your feedback effective and informative.

Before we dive into the details, let's first understand why feedback is so important. When a seller receives feedback, they can use that information to improve their products and services. Positive feedback can encourage them to continue providing quality products, while negative feedback can help them identify areas for improvement.

Furthermore, feedback can also influence other buyers' decisions. When potential buyers see positive feedback from previous customers, they're more likely to trust the seller and purchase their products. On the other hand, negative feedback can deter buyers from making a purchase.

Now that we understand the importance of leaving feedback let's look at how to do it effectively. The first step is to navigate to the product's page on the Amazon app. Scroll down to the Customer Reviews section and click on Write a customer review.

When leaving feedback, it's essential to be specific. Don't just leave a general rating; instead, provide details about why you liked or disliked the product. For example, if the product arrived late, mention the shipping time. If the product was damaged, explain how it was damaged.

Another crucial aspect of leaving feedback is to be honest. Don't leave positive feedback if you didn't have a good experience with the product or seller. Likewise, don't leave negative feedback just because you had a minor issue with the product.

When leaving feedback, it's also important to keep the language professional and respectful. Avoid using profanity or derogatory language, as this can be offensive to the seller and other buyers reading your feedback.

It's also helpful to provide suggestions for improvement. If you had an issue with the product, suggest how the seller can improve it in the future. This not only helps the seller but also shows other buyers that you're providing constructive criticism.

In conclusion, leaving feedback for sellers on Amazon is an essential part of being a responsible buyer. By providing detailed and honest feedback, you can help sellers improve their products and services, while also influencing other buyers' decisions. So the next time you make a purchase on Amazon, take a few minutes to leave feedback and make a difference.


Amazon is one of the most popular online shopping platforms. It offers a wide range of products from various sellers. When you buy something on Amazon, you can leave feedback for the seller. This feedback is important for both the seller and other buyers. In this article, we will guide you through how to give seller feedback on the Amazon app without a title.

Using the Amazon App

To start, open the Amazon app on your mobile device. If you haven't already, log in to your account. Once you are logged in, go to the Orders section of the app. Here, you will see a list of all the orders you have placed on Amazon. Find the order for which you want to leave feedback.

Finding the Order

When you find the order, tap on it to expand the details. You will see the details of the order, including the name of the seller. Scroll down until you see the option to Leave Seller Feedback. Tap on this option to proceed.

Leaving Feedback

You will now be taken to a page where you can leave feedback for the seller. There are two options available: positive and negative feedback.

Positive Feedback

If you had a good experience with the seller, you can leave positive feedback. To do this, select the Positive option and write a brief comment about your experience with the seller. Keep in mind that positive feedback can help the seller build their reputation on Amazon and attract more buyers.

Negative Feedback

If you had a bad experience with the seller, you can leave negative feedback. To do this, select the Negative option and write a brief comment about what went wrong. Keep in mind that negative feedback can hurt the seller's reputation on Amazon and discourage other buyers from purchasing from them.

Writing Your Feedback

Regardless of whether you choose to leave positive or negative feedback, it's important to provide specific details about your experience with the seller. This will help other buyers make informed decisions when choosing a seller on Amazon.

Be Specific

For example, if the seller shipped the item late, mention the specific date the item was supposed to arrive and the date it actually arrived. If the item arrived damaged, describe the extent of the damage and how it affected the item's functionality.

Be Clear and Concise

When writing your feedback, be clear and concise. Avoid using overly technical terms or jargon that may be confusing to other buyers. Keep your feedback brief and to the point.

Submitting Your Feedback

Once you have written your feedback, review it to make sure it accurately reflects your experience with the seller. When you are satisfied with your feedback, click on the Submit button to submit your feedback.

Final Thoughts

Leaving feedback for a seller on Amazon is an important part of the buying process. It helps other buyers make informed decisions and helps sellers build their reputation on the platform. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily leave feedback for a seller on the Amazon app without a title.


Remember to only leave feedback that accurately reflects your experience with the seller. Be honest, specific, and clear in your feedback. Your feedback can make a big difference in the reputation of a seller on Amazon.

Navigating to the Feedback Section on the Amazon AppAmazon is one of the most popular online marketplaces in the world, offering everything from books to electronics to household items. As a customer, you have the opportunity to leave feedback for sellers on Amazon, which can help other shoppers make informed buying decisions. In this article, we will discuss how to give seller feedback on the Amazon app.To get started, open the Amazon app on your phone or tablet. Once you are logged in, tap on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen. From the menu, select Your Orders. This will take you to a list of all your recent purchases on Amazon.Next, find the order for which you would like to leave feedback. Tap on the order to open it, and then scroll down until you see the Leave Seller Feedback button. Tap on this button to access the feedback section.Choosing the Right Type of Feedback to Leave for the SellerWhen leaving feedback for a seller on Amazon, it is important to choose the right type of feedback. There are three types of feedback you can leave: positive, neutral, and negative. Positive feedback is for when you are satisfied with your purchase and the seller's service. Neutral feedback is for when you are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with your purchase or the seller's service. Negative feedback is for when you are dissatisfied with your purchase or the seller's service.It is important to note that leaving negative feedback should be reserved for serious issues, such as receiving damaged or defective products, or if the seller does not respond to your inquiries. If you are unhappy with your purchase but the seller did everything they could to resolve the issue, consider leaving neutral feedback instead.Providing an Accurate Rating for the Seller's ProductAfter selecting the appropriate type of feedback, you will be prompted to rate the seller's product on a scale of one to five stars. One star indicates that you are very dissatisfied with the product, while five stars indicate that you are very satisfied.When rating the seller's product, be sure to consider its quality, functionality, and overall value for money. If you feel that the product is overpriced, or if it does not meet your expectations in terms of quality or functionality, then you may want to consider leaving a lower rating.Writing a Detailed and Honest Review of the ProductOnce you have rated the seller's product, you will be asked to write a review. This is your opportunity to provide detailed feedback on your experience with the product, including its features, performance, and any issues you encountered.When writing your review, be honest and detailed. Include specific details about the product, such as its size, weight, and color. If there were any issues with the product, such as defects or malfunctions, describe them in detail.Including Specific Details and Examples in Your FeedbackTo provide the most helpful feedback, be sure to include specific details and examples in your review. For example, if you are reviewing a piece of clothing, describe how it fits and feels when worn. If you are reviewing an electronic device, describe how easy or difficult it was to set up and use.By including specific details and examples, you can help other shoppers make informed decisions about whether or not to purchase the product.Avoiding Personal Attacks or Irrelevant Information in Your FeedbackWhen leaving feedback for a seller on Amazon, it is important to avoid personal attacks or irrelevant information. Stick to the facts about the product and your experience with the seller, and avoid making any personal attacks or insults.Additionally, avoid including irrelevant information in your feedback. For example, if you had a bad experience with the seller's shipping carrier, this is not relevant to the product itself and should not be included in your feedback.Considering the Impact of Your Feedback on the Seller's BusinessWhen leaving feedback for a seller on Amazon, it is important to consider the impact your feedback may have on their business. Negative feedback can seriously harm a seller's reputation and sales, so it is important to be thoughtful and constructive in your criticism.Before leaving negative feedback, consider reaching out to the seller to see if they can resolve the issue. If they are unable to resolve the issue, or if they are unresponsive to your inquiries, then leaving negative feedback may be appropriate.Being Constructive in Your Criticism and Offering Suggestions for ImprovementIf you do need to leave negative feedback, be sure to be constructive in your criticism and offer suggestions for improvement. For example, if the product arrived damaged, suggest that the seller improve their packaging or shipping methods to prevent this from happening in the future.By offering constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement, you can help the seller improve their business practices and provide better products and service to their customers.Checking Your Feedback for Errors or Typos Before Submitting ItBefore submitting your feedback, be sure to check it for errors or typos. Spelling and grammar errors can make your feedback difficult to read and may detract from your credibility as a reviewer.Take a few minutes to proofread your feedback before submitting it to ensure that it is clear, concise, and error-free.Understanding the Importance of Seller Feedback in the Amazon MarketplaceFinally, it is important to understand the importance of seller feedback in the Amazon marketplace. Seller feedback helps other shoppers make informed buying decisions, and it also helps sellers improve their products and service.By leaving detailed, honest, and accurate feedback for sellers on Amazon, you can help create a more transparent and trustworthy marketplace for everyone.

How to Give Seller Feedback on Amazon App

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Open the Amazon app and navigate to the Orders section.

2. Find the order for which you want to leave feedback and tap on it.

3. Scroll down to the Leave seller feedback section and tap on it.

4. Choose a rating from 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the best.

5. Write a detailed review of your experience with the seller.

6. Submit your feedback by tapping on the Submit button.

Pros of Giving Seller Feedback on Amazon App

1. Helps other customers make informed decisions when buying from the same seller.

2. Encourages sellers to improve their customer service and product quality.

3. Can lead to better deals and discounts for future purchases.

Cons of Giving Seller Feedback on Amazon App

1. The process of leaving feedback can be time-consuming and may deter some customers from doing so.

2. Negative feedback can harm a seller's reputation and potentially affect their sales.

3. Some customers may leave unfair or biased feedback, which can be detrimental to a seller's business.

Table Comparison: Seller Feedback vs. Product Reviews

Criteria Seller Feedback Product Reviews
Purpose To evaluate a seller's performance and customer service To evaluate a product's quality, functionality, and usefulness
Rating System Uses a 1-5 star rating system Uses a 1-5 star rating system
Impact on Seller Can affect a seller's reputation and sales Can affect a product's sales and popularity
Frequency Can be left after every purchase Can be left after every purchase
Length Allows for longer, more detailed feedback Usually shorter and focused on specific aspects of the product

In conclusion, leaving seller feedback on the Amazon app can help other customers make informed decisions and encourage sellers to improve their customer service. However, it can also be time-consuming and potentially harmful to a seller's reputation. When compared to product reviews, seller feedback focuses more on the seller's performance and customer service, while product reviews focus on the product's quality and functionality.

How to Give Seller Feedback on Amazon App

Welcome, dear readers! Today we will discuss how to give seller feedback on the Amazon app. As an e-commerce platform, Amazon provides a platform for millions of sellers worldwide to sell their products. In order to ensure the quality of the products and services offered, Amazon encourages its customers to leave feedback on their purchases. This feedback is used by other buyers to make informed decisions when purchasing products on Amazon.

Leaving seller feedback on Amazon is an easy process that takes only a few minutes. To start, you need to log into your Amazon account. Once you are logged in, go to the “Orders” section and find the product you wish to leave feedback for. Click on the “Leave Seller Feedback” button next to the product.

The first step in leaving seller feedback is to select a rating. You can choose a rating from one to five stars, with five being the highest rating. It is important to be honest when giving a rating. If you had a positive experience, give a high rating, if you had a negative experience, give a low rating.

After selecting a rating, the next step is to write a comment. This is where you can provide more details about your experience with the seller. Be specific and provide examples of what you liked or did not like about the product or service. Your comments can be helpful to other buyers who are considering purchasing from the same seller.

When writing your comment, it is important to be clear and concise. Use proper grammar and punctuation to make your comment easy to read. Avoid using profanity or derogatory language. Remember, your comments are visible to everyone, so keep them professional and respectful.

Once you have written your comment, you can submit it. Amazon will review your feedback before publishing it. This process usually takes a few days. Once your feedback is published, the seller will be able to see it. They can respond to your feedback if they choose to do so.

It is important to remember that leaving feedback is voluntary. You are not required to leave feedback for every purchase you make on Amazon. However, your feedback can be helpful to other buyers and can also help sellers improve their products and services.

If you are unsure about leaving feedback, you can read other buyer’s feedback to get an idea of what to expect. You can also contact Amazon customer service if you have any questions or concerns about leaving feedback.

When leaving feedback, it is important to be honest. If you had a bad experience with a seller, it is okay to leave a low rating and provide details about your experience. This can help other buyers avoid similar experiences. On the other hand, if you had a positive experience, leaving a high rating and positive comments can encourage other buyers to purchase from the same seller.

It is also important to be fair when leaving feedback. If there was a problem with your order, give the seller a chance to make it right before leaving negative feedback. Contact the seller and explain the situation. They may be able to offer a solution that will satisfy you.

In conclusion, leaving seller feedback on Amazon is an easy process that can be helpful to other buyers and sellers. Be honest, clear, and concise when leaving feedback. Your feedback can help other buyers make informed decisions and can also help sellers improve their products and services. Remember, your feedback is voluntary, but it can have a big impact!

Thank you for reading this article. We hope you found it informative and helpful. Happy shopping on Amazon!

People Also Ask About How to Give Seller Feedback on Amazon App

What is Seller Feedback on Amazon?

Seller Feedback on Amazon is a feature that allows buyers to rate and review their experience with sellers. It helps other buyers make informed decisions when purchasing from the same seller. Feedback can be positive, neutral, or negative and can include comments about shipping speed, product quality, and customer service.

How to Give Seller Feedback on Amazon App?

  1. Open the Amazon app on your device.
  2. Tap on the Menu icon on the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Select Your Orders from the drop-down menu.
  4. Find the order for which you want to give feedback and tap on it.
  5. Scroll down to the Leave Seller Feedback section and tap on Write a Review.
  6. Rate the seller by selecting the number of stars (1-5) and provide detailed feedback in the comments section.
  7. Submit your feedback by tapping on Submit.

Why is it important to Give Seller Feedback on Amazon?

Giving Seller Feedback on Amazon is important because it helps other buyers make informed decisions when purchasing from the same seller. It also helps sellers improve their performance and provide better customer service in the future.

Can You Change Your Seller Feedback on Amazon?

Yes, you can change your Seller Feedback on Amazon within 60 days of submitting it. To do so, follow the same steps to leave feedback and click on Edit next to your existing feedback. Make the necessary changes and click on Submit.

What Happens if a Seller Gets Negative Feedback on Amazon?

If a seller gets negative feedback on Amazon, it can affect their overall rating and performance metrics. If a seller's rating falls below a certain threshold, they may face consequences such as account suspension or removal from the Amazon marketplace.