Unveiling the Mystery: Does the Owlet App Need to Be Open for Monitoring Your Baby?


Does the Owlet app need to be open for the smart sock to work? Find out if you can still monitor your baby's sleep without the app open.

The Owlet app is a lifesaver for many parents. It provides peace of mind by monitoring the baby's heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep. However, one question that commonly arises among parents is whether the Owlet app needs to be open all the time to receive notifications. The answer to this question is not straightforward, and it depends on several factors.

Firstly, it is important to understand how the Owlet app works. The app pairs with the Owlet Smart Sock, which is worn by the baby on their foot. The Smart Sock continuously monitors the baby's heart rate and oxygen levels and sends this data to the app on the parent's phone via Bluetooth. The app then displays this information in real-time, along with alerts if the readings fall outside of the normal range.

So, does the Owlet app need to be open all the time to receive these notifications? The short answer is no. Once the Smart Sock is paired with the app, it will continue to send data even if the app is closed or running in the background. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you receive notifications promptly.

One factor to consider is your phone's settings. If you have enabled battery-saving mode or have restricted background data usage, this can affect how quickly you receive notifications from the Owlet app. It is recommended to disable these settings or add the Owlet app to the list of exempt apps to ensure that you receive timely alerts.

Another factor to consider is the distance between the Smart Sock and your phone. The Smart Sock uses Bluetooth to communicate with the app, and if the distance between them is too far, the connection may be lost, and you may not receive notifications. It is recommended to keep your phone within 100 feet of the Smart Sock to ensure a stable connection.

Additionally, if you have multiple devices paired with the Smart Sock, such as a tablet and a phone, it is important to ensure that the Owlet app is installed and logged in on all devices. This will ensure that you receive notifications regardless of which device you are using at the time.

In conclusion, the Owlet app does not need to be open all the time to receive notifications. However, it is important to ensure that your phone's settings allow for timely alerts and that the distance between the Smart Sock and your phone is within range. By following these guidelines, you can rest assured that you will receive prompt notifications if your baby's readings fall outside of the normal range.

Does Owlet App Need to Be Open?


The Owlet App is a popular mobile application for monitoring the health and wellness of babies. The app works in conjunction with a wearable device that is placed on the baby's foot, which monitors vital signs like heart rate, oxygen levels, and sleep patterns. Many parents wonder if the app needs to be open at all times for the device to work properly. In this article, we will explore whether or not the Owlet App needs to be open and discuss the various benefits of using the app.

How Does the Owlet App Work?

Before we delve into whether or not the Owlet App needs to be open, it's important to understand how the app works. The Owlet Smart Sock is a wearable device that is placed on the baby's foot, and it uses pulse oximetry to monitor the baby's heart rate and oxygen levels. The data is sent wirelessly to the Owlet Base Station, which then sends the information to the parent's smartphone via the Owlet App. The app provides real-time monitoring of the baby's vital signs, as well as alerts if there are any concerning changes.

Do You Need to Keep the Owlet App Open?

One of the most common questions that parents have about the Owlet App is whether or not they need to keep it open at all times. The answer is no, you do not need to keep the app open for the Owlet Smart Sock to work. The device continues to monitor the baby's vital signs and send data to the Owlet Base Station even when the app is closed. However, it's important to note that you will not receive alerts if the app is closed, so it's recommended that you keep the app open or enable push notifications.

The Benefits of Using the Owlet App

While you don't need to keep the Owlet App open for the device to work, there are many benefits to using the app. First and foremost, the app provides real-time monitoring of the baby's vital signs, which can give parents peace of mind. The app also provides helpful insights into the baby's sleep patterns and can track sleep trends over time. Additionally, the app can be used to share data with healthcare providers, which can aid in diagnosis and treatment.

How to Use the Owlet App

If you're new to the Owlet App, it's important to know how to use it properly. To get started, download the app from the App Store or Google Play and create an account. Next, pair the Owlet Base Station with your smartphone by following the instructions in the app. Once the base station is paired, place the Owlet Smart Sock on your baby's foot and turn on the device. The app should automatically begin receiving data from the base station.

Understanding Owlet App Alerts

The Owlet App is designed to provide alerts if there are any concerning changes in the baby's vital signs. There are three types of alerts that you may receive: green, yellow, and red. Green alerts indicate that everything is normal, while yellow alerts indicate that there is a potential issue that requires attention. Red alerts indicate that there is a critical issue that requires immediate attention. It's important to understand what each alert means and how to respond appropriately.

Other Features of the Owlet App

In addition to real-time monitoring and alerts, the Owlet App has several other features that parents may find useful. The app can track the baby's sleep patterns and provide insights into how much sleep the baby is getting and when they are waking up. The app can also be used to track feedings, diaper changes, and other important milestones. Additionally, the app can be used to connect with other parents and share experiences and advice.


In conclusion, the Owlet App does not need to be open at all times for the device to work properly. However, it's recommended that parents keep the app open or enable push notifications to receive alerts if there are any concerning changes in the baby's vital signs. The app provides real-time monitoring of the baby's heart rate and oxygen levels, as well as insights into sleep patterns and other important milestones. Overall, the Owlet App is a valuable tool for parents who want to monitor their baby's health and wellness.

Introduction: Understanding the Owlet App

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences, but it can also be quite stressful. One of the biggest concerns for new parents is their baby's health and safety, especially during sleep. Fortunately, technology has come a long way in helping parents monitor their babies, and the Owlet App is one such tool.The Owlet App is designed to work with the Owlet Smart Sock, a device that tracks a baby's heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep. The app enables parents to monitor their baby's vital signs in real-time, giving them peace of mind and allowing them to respond quickly if there are any issues.In this article, we will explore how the Owlet App works, the importance of keeping it open, how to set it up for maximum effectiveness, troubleshooting tips, and more.

How the Owlet App Works

The Owlet App works by receiving data from the Owlet Smart Sock, which is placed on the baby's foot. The sock uses pulse oximetry technology to track the baby's heart rate and oxygen levels, which are then transmitted to the app via Bluetooth. The app displays the readings in real-time, allowing parents to monitor their baby's health and well-being.The app also includes other features, such as a history log that shows the baby's sleep patterns and alerts that notify parents when the baby's heart rate or oxygen levels fall outside of a predetermined range.

The Importance of Keeping the Owlet App Open

It is essential to keep the Owlet App open, as it is the gateway through which parents receive information about their baby's health. If the app is closed, parents will not receive any alerts or updates about their baby's vital signs.Moreover, the app provides valuable insights into the baby's sleep patterns, which can help parents understand their baby's needs and adjust their routines accordingly. By keeping the app open, parents can monitor their baby's sleep and ensure they are getting enough rest.

Setting Up the Owlet App for Maximum Effectiveness

To set up the Owlet App, parents must first purchase the Owlet Smart Sock and download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Once downloaded, parents should follow the instructions provided to connect the sock to the app via Bluetooth.It is crucial to ensure that the sock is properly fitted to the baby's foot, as this will affect the accuracy of the readings. The sock should fit snugly but not be too tight, and the baby's foot should be clean and dry before putting it on.Parents should also set up alerts within the app, so they are notified if the baby's heart rate or oxygen levels fall outside of a predetermined range. These ranges can be adjusted based on the baby's age and weight, and parents should consult with their pediatrician for guidance on appropriate levels.

Troubleshooting: What to Do When the Owlet App Isn't Working

Like any technology, the Owlet App may experience issues from time to time. If the app isn't working correctly, there are a few troubleshooting tips that parents can try:- Ensure that the sock is properly fitted and connected to the app via Bluetooth.- Check that the phone's Bluetooth is turned on and that the app has permission to access it.- Restart the app or phone.- Update the app to the latest version.- Contact Owlet customer support for assistance.

Monitoring Your Baby's Health with the Owlet App

The Owlet App provides parents with valuable information about their baby's health, enabling them to monitor their vital signs in real-time. This information can help parents detect any issues early on and respond quickly, potentially saving their baby's life.Moreover, the app provides insights into the baby's sleep patterns, which can help parents understand their needs better and adjust their routines accordingly. By monitoring their baby's sleep, parents can ensure that they are getting enough rest and promote healthy development.

Tips for Using the Owlet App to Its Fullest Potential

To use the Owlet App to its fullest potential, parents should:- Keep the app open and alerts turned on.- Ensure that the sock is properly fitted and connected to the app.- Set appropriate ranges for heart rate and oxygen levels based on the baby's age and weight.- Consult with their pediatrician for guidance on interpreting the readings.- Use the history log to track their baby's sleep patterns and adjust their routines accordingly.- Contact Owlet customer support if they experience any issues with the app or sock.

The Benefits of Using the Owlet App Regularly

Using the Owlet App regularly offers several benefits, including:- Peace of mind: Knowing that they can monitor their baby's vital signs in real-time can provide parents with peace of mind and reduce anxiety.- Early detection: The app can alert parents if the baby's heart rate or oxygen levels fall outside of a predetermined range, enabling them to detect any issues early on and respond quickly.- Improved sleep: By monitoring their baby's sleep patterns, parents can ensure that they are getting enough rest and promote healthy development.- Valuable insights: The app provides valuable insights into the baby's sleep patterns, which can help parents understand their needs better and adjust their routines accordingly.

Understanding Your Baby's Sleep Patterns with the Owlet App

The Owlet App provides parents with valuable insights into their baby's sleep patterns, including how long they slept, how many times they woke up, and how long they spent in each sleep stage. This information can help parents understand their baby's needs better and adjust their routines accordingly.For example, if the app shows that the baby is waking up frequently, parents may need to adjust their feeding or sleeping routines to ensure that the baby is getting enough rest. If the app shows that the baby is spending too much time in light sleep stages, parents may need to create a more conducive sleep environment to promote deeper sleep.

Conclusion: The Owlet App as a Valuable Tool for Parents

The Owlet App is an invaluable tool for parents, enabling them to monitor their baby's vital signs in real-time and providing valuable insights into their sleep patterns. By keeping the app open and using it regularly, parents can ensure that their baby is healthy, well-rested, and developing as they should.While the Owlet App is not a substitute for professional medical advice, it can provide parents with peace of mind and early detection of any issues. By working together with their pediatrician and using the Owlet App, parents can give their baby the best possible start in life.

Does Owlet App Need to Be Open?

Overview of Owlet App

The Owlet app is a popular tool for parents who want to keep track of their baby's health and wellness. The app is designed to work with the Owlet Smart Sock, a wearable device that monitors a baby's heart rate and oxygen levels. The sock sends data to the app, which allows parents to monitor their baby's health in real-time.

Does the Owlet App Need to Be Open?

One of the most common questions that parents have about the Owlet app is whether it needs to be open in order to receive data from the Smart Sock. The answer is no. Once the Owlet Smart Sock is set up and connected to your Wi-Fi network, it will continue to send data to the app even if the app is not open.However, there are some benefits to keeping the Owlet app open. For example, if you have the app open, you can receive alerts if your baby's heart rate or oxygen levels fall outside of the normal range. You can also view a live stream of your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels on your phone or tablet.

Pros of Keeping the Owlet App Open

- Receive alerts if your baby's heart rate or oxygen levels fall outside of the normal range- View a live stream of your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels- Keep track of your baby's sleep patterns and trends- Access helpful resources and articles on baby health and wellness

Cons of Keeping the Owlet App Open

- Can drain your phone or tablet battery- May be distracting or cause anxiety if you are constantly checking the app- Requires a stable Wi-Fi connection to work properly

Comparison Table

Keeping Owlet App Open Not Keeping Owlet App Open
Receive alerts when baby's health is at risk No alerts unless app is opened
View live stream of baby's heart rate and oxygen levels No live stream unless app is opened
Access to helpful resources and articles on baby health and wellness Same access whether app is open or not
May drain phone or tablet battery No battery drain if app is not opened
May cause anxiety or be distracting if constantly checking app No added stress if app is not opened

In conclusion, while the Owlet app does not need to be open in order to receive data from the Smart Sock, there are some benefits to keeping the app open, such as receiving alerts and viewing a live stream of your baby's health data. However, keeping the app open may also have some downsides, such as draining your phone or tablet battery and causing unnecessary anxiety. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and how you choose to use the app.

Does the Owlet App Need to be Open?

Welcome to our blog! If you're here, you're probably wondering whether or not the Owlet App needs to be open in order for your Owlet Smart Sock to function properly. The answer is no, it does not need to be open all the time. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when using the app with your Smart Sock.

First and foremost, it's important to understand what the Owlet App is designed to do. The app is meant to provide you with real-time data about your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep. This information is transmitted from the Smart Sock to your phone via Bluetooth, allowing you to monitor your baby's health without having to be in the same room as them.

So, does the Owlet App need to be open in order for this data to be transmitted? The short answer is no. Once you have set up your Smart Sock and paired it with your phone, the data will continue to be transmitted even if the app is closed. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to using the app with your Smart Sock.

Firstly, it's important to make sure that your phone has a strong Bluetooth connection to the Smart Sock. If the connection is weak or interrupted, you may not receive accurate data from the sock. To ensure a strong connection, it's best to keep your phone within close proximity to the sock while your baby is sleeping.

Another thing to keep in mind is that while the app doesn't need to be open all the time, it's still a good idea to check it periodically to make sure that everything is working properly. The app will alert you if there are any issues with the sock or if your baby's heart rate or oxygen levels fall outside of the normal range.

When you do check the app, it's important to take note of any alerts or notifications that you receive. These alerts can help you identify potential issues with your baby's health and take action if necessary. For example, if you receive an alert that your baby's heart rate is too high, you may want to check on them to make sure they're okay.

It's also worth noting that while the Owlet App doesn't need to be open all the time, it can be helpful to leave it open in the background while your baby is sleeping. This way, you can check in on their health without having to physically go into their room and disturb their sleep.

Overall, the Owlet App does not need to be open all the time in order for your Smart Sock to function properly. However, it's important to keep your phone close to the sock and periodically check the app to make sure that everything is working properly. By doing so, you can ensure that you're getting accurate data about your baby's health and take action if necessary.

We hope that this article has been helpful in answering your questions about whether or not the Owlet App needs to be open. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Thank you for visiting our blog and we wish you and your little one all the best.

Does Owlet App Need to be Open?

What is the Owlet App?

The Owlet App is a mobile application designed to work in conjunction with the Owlet Smart Sock. The Owlet Smart Sock is a wearable baby monitor that tracks your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep. The Owlet App is used to receive notifications about your baby's vital signs directly on your smartphone or tablet.

Do I Need to Keep the Owlet App Open?

No, you do not need to keep the Owlet App open for it to work. The Owlet App is designed to run in the background of your mobile device and send push notifications to your phone or tablet when your baby's heart rate or oxygen levels fall outside of the preset range. This means that you can continue to use your phone for other purposes while still receiving important notifications from the Owlet App.

How Do I Use the Owlet App?

To use the Owlet App, simply download it from the App Store or Google Play Store onto your smartphone or tablet. Once downloaded, create an account and connect your Owlet Smart Sock to your mobile device. The Owlet App will then begin to receive data from the Owlet Smart Sock and send notifications to your phone or tablet when necessary.


  • The Owlet App is designed to work in conjunction with the Owlet Smart Sock.
  • You do not need to keep the Owlet App open for it to work.
  • The Owlet App runs in the background of your mobile device and sends push notifications when necessary.
  • To use the Owlet App, simply download it, create an account, and connect your Owlet Smart Sock to your mobile device.