What Happened to the We're Related App? Discover the Latest Updates and Changes.


The We're Related app, which helped users discover their family tree, has been discontinued. Many users are now searching for a replacement.

The We're Related app was once a popular tool used to connect people with their distant relatives. However, in recent years, the app has experienced a significant decline in usage and popularity. This decline has been attributed to a number of factors, including changes in the way people use technology, increased competition from other genealogy apps, and concerns about privacy and security.

One of the main reasons for the decline of the We're Related app is the changing landscape of technology. As more and more people rely on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to connect with friends and family, the need for a separate app to find relatives has decreased. Additionally, many people have become more cautious about sharing personal information online, which has made them hesitant to use apps like We're Related.

Another factor that has contributed to the decline of the app is increased competition from other genealogy apps. Over the past few years, several new apps have emerged that offer more advanced features and a better user experience than We're Related. These apps have attracted a large and dedicated user base, which has made it difficult for We're Related to compete.

Despite these challenges, We're Related has continued to try and attract users by introducing new features and updates. For example, the app has recently added a feature that allows users to connect with distant relatives based on shared DNA matches. This feature has been well-received by some users, but it has not been enough to reverse the overall decline in usage.

In addition to its struggles with competition and changing technology, We're Related has also faced criticism over privacy and security concerns. Some users have expressed concern that the app may be collecting and sharing personal information without their knowledge or consent. Others have worried that the app's security measures may not be strong enough to protect their data from hackers and other online threats.

To address these concerns, We're Related has implemented a number of new security measures and privacy policies. For example, the app now requires users to create a strong password and to provide additional verification information before accessing their account. Additionally, the app has updated its privacy policy to provide more transparency about how user data is collected and used.

Despite these efforts, many users have remained skeptical of the app's privacy and security features. As a result, We're Related has struggled to attract new users and retain existing ones.

In conclusion, the decline of the We're Related app can be attributed to a number of factors, including changing technology, increased competition, and concerns about privacy and security. While the app has attempted to address these challenges through updates and new features, it has been unable to reverse the overall decline in usage. As a result, it remains to be seen whether We're Related will be able to regain its former popularity and relevance in the genealogy app market.


The We're Related app was a popular social networking app that allowed users to connect with their distant relatives. It was launched in 2017 and quickly gained popularity among people who were interested in genealogy and family history. However, in recent years, the app has faced several issues that have led to its downfall. In this article, we will explore what happened to the We're Related app and why it failed to sustain its user base.

The rise and fall of We're Related

The We're Related app was developed by Ancestry.com, a well-known genealogy website. The app was designed to help people discover their family connections through DNA testing and family trees. It used algorithms to match users with other members who shared common ancestors and provided them with tools to explore their family history.

The app was launched with much fanfare and quickly gained a following among genealogy enthusiasts. It was praised for its user-friendly interface and innovative features that allowed users to connect with distant relatives. However, as time went by, the app began to face several challenges that led to its decline.

Technical issues

One of the main reasons for the decline of the We're Related app was technical issues. Users reported frequent crashes, slow loading times, and glitches that made the app unusable. Many users also complained about the app's compatibility issues with different devices and operating systems. These technical issues created frustration among users, leading many of them to abandon the app altogether.

Lack of updates

Another significant issue with the We're Related app was the lack of updates. The last update to the app was released in 2018, which means that it has not been updated for more than two years. This lack of updates caused the app to become outdated and incompatible with newer devices and operating systems. It also meant that the app was not keeping up with new trends and features in the genealogy industry.


The We're Related app faced stiff competition from other genealogy apps such as MyHeritage, AncestryDNA, and 23andMe. These apps offered similar services, but with more advanced features and better user experiences. Many users switched to these apps, leaving We're Related with a smaller user base.

Lack of advertising

The We're Related app also suffered from a lack of advertising. Unlike other genealogy apps that invested heavily in marketing and advertising campaigns, We're Related had minimal advertising. This lack of advertising made it difficult for the app to reach a wider audience and attract new users.

Privacy concerns

Another issue that affected the We're Related app was privacy concerns. Some users were uncomfortable with sharing their DNA data and family history with the app, which led to a decline in user trust. There were also concerns about the app's data security and how user information was being used and shared.

Discontinuation of the app

In 2020, Ancestry.com announced that it would be discontinuing the We're Related app. The company cited declining usage and technical issues as the main reasons for the app's discontinuation. Ancestry.com stated that it would be focusing on its core services, such as DNA testing and family tree building, rather than investing in the We're Related app.


In conclusion, the We're Related app was a promising social networking app that allowed users to connect with their distant relatives. However, it faced several challenges that led to its decline, including technical issues, lack of updates, competition, lack of advertising, privacy concerns, and ultimately, its discontinuation. Despite its failure, the We're Related app highlighted the growing popularity of genealogy and family history, and the demand for innovative tools to explore our ancestry.

Introduction to We're Related App

We're Related was a mobile application that allowed users to discover their family tree and connect with distant relatives. The app was launched in 2015 by Ancestry.com, one of the leading genealogy companies in the world. The app was created to provide users with a fun and easy way to explore their family history and learn more about their ancestors.

Initial Success of We're Related App

When We're Related was first released, it gained a lot of attention from users who were interested in tracing their family history. The app quickly became popular and was downloaded by thousands of people. The app's success was attributed to its user-friendly interface and the fact that it was free to download.

Technical Issues Faced by We're Related App

However, despite its initial success, We're Related faced several technical issues that affected its performance. Users complained about slow loading times, frequent crashes, and inaccurate information. These issues made it difficult for users to enjoy the app and led to negative reviews and feedback.

Negative Reviews and Feedback

As a result of the technical issues and inaccuracies, users began to leave negative reviews about the app on the App Store and Google Play. Many users expressed frustration with the app's performance, citing issues with connectivity, bugs, and glitches.

Decrease in User Activity and Engagement

The negative feedback and reviews had a significant impact on the app's user activity and engagement. After the initial surge in downloads, the number of active users began to decline. The app's retention rate was low, and many users who downloaded the app stopped using it after a few weeks or months.

Competitors in the Genealogy App Market

One of the main reasons for the decrease in user activity was the rise of competitors in the genealogy app market. Several new apps were launched that offered similar features to We're Related but had better performance and accuracy. These apps quickly gained popularity and began to attract users away from We're Related.

Changes in App Store Policies

Another challenge that We're Related faced was changes in the App Store policies. In 2017, Apple announced that it would crack down on apps that used misleading or inaccurate information to promote themselves. This policy change affected We're Related, as many users had reported inaccuracies in the app's family tree matching algorithm.

Discontinuation of We're Related App

Despite efforts to improve the app's performance and address the issues faced by users, We're Related was eventually discontinued in 2020. The decision to discontinue the app was made by Ancestry.com, who cited a lack of user engagement and the high cost of maintaining the app as the reasons for its discontinuation.

Alternative Genealogy Apps for Users

For users who still want to explore their family history and connect with distant relatives, there are several alternative genealogy apps available. One popular option is MyHeritage, which offers a wide range of features, including family tree building, DNA testing, and access to millions of historical records.Another option is FamilySearch, a free genealogy app that is operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. FamilySearch offers a vast database of historical records, and users can build their family tree and connect with other users to collaborate on research.

Lessons Learned from We're Related App's Journey

The journey of We're Related provides several lessons for app developers and businesses. Firstly, it is essential to prioritize user experience and ensure that the app is reliable and accurate. Technical issues and inaccuracies can quickly lead to negative reviews and decreased user engagement.Secondly, businesses need to keep up with changes in the market and stay ahead of competitors. In a fast-paced industry like genealogy apps, it is crucial to continuously innovate and improve the product to meet the changing needs of users.Lastly, the decision to discontinue an app should be based on careful analysis of user engagement and cost-effectiveness. If an app is not performing well, it may be more cost-effective to discontinue it rather than continue investing in it.In conclusion, the story of We're Related is a cautionary tale for app developers and businesses. It highlights the importance of user experience, innovation, and adaptability in a competitive market. While the app may no longer be available, the lessons learned from its journey can help drive success for future genealogy apps and businesses.

What Happened to the We're Related App?

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a point of view or personal opinions. However, I can provide factual information and analysis about what happened to the We're Related app.

Pros and Cons

The We're Related app was a popular genealogy app that allowed users to discover their family tree and connect with distant relatives. However, in 2018, the app suddenly stopped working, leaving many users frustrated and disappointed. Pros:- The app was user-friendly and easy to navigate, with a simple interface that made it accessible to people of all ages.- It provided a fun and engaging way for people to learn about their family history and connect with distant relatives.- Users could share photos and stories with each other, creating a sense of community and belonging.Cons:- The sudden shutdown of the app without any warning or explanation left many users feeling betrayed and angry.- Some users reported losing access to their family tree data and connections with relatives, causing them to lose valuable information and relationships.- The company behind the app, Ancestry.com, did not offer any clear alternatives or solutions for users who were affected by the shutdown.

Table Comparison

| Keywords | We're Related App | Ancestry.com ||----------|------------------|--------------|| Genealogy | Yes | Yes || Family Tree | Yes | Yes || Distant Relatives | Yes | Yes || User-Friendly | Yes | Yes || Shutdown | Yes (2018) | No || Alternative Solutions | No | Yes |


The We're Related app was a popular genealogy app that provided a fun and engaging way for people to learn about their family history and connect with distant relatives. However, the sudden shutdown of the app without any warning or explanation left many users feeling betrayed and frustrated. While Ancestry.com, the company behind the app, offers alternative solutions for genealogy research and family tree building, the loss of the We're Related app highlights the importance of transparency and communication with users when it comes to technology and data management.

Closing Message for Blog Visitors: What Happened to the We're Related App?

Thank you for taking the time to read through this article discussing the fate of the We're Related app. As we have explored, the app was a popular tool for many individuals to connect with distant relatives and discover their family trees. However, in recent years, the app has faced significant issues, leading to its ultimate demise.

As we discussed earlier in this article, the We're Related app was owned by Ancestry.com, a company that specializes in genealogy research and family history. While the app was initially successful, it faced several challenges, including inaccurate results, privacy concerns, and a lack of updates.

One of the primary reasons why the We're Related app failed was due to the inaccuracies in its results. Many users reported that the app would provide them with incorrect information about their family history, leading to frustration and confusion. Additionally, the app was not always able to accurately identify connections between relatives, further complicating matters.

Another issue that the We're Related app faced was concerns over privacy. As we discussed earlier, the app required access to a user's Facebook account to function correctly. This feature raised concerns among users who were uncomfortable with the idea of sharing their personal information with a third-party app.

Furthermore, the We're Related app faced a lack of updates, which ultimately led to its downfall. As technology continued to advance, the app became outdated, and Ancestry.com struggled to keep up with the demand for new features and improvements. This resulted in the app becoming obsolete, causing users to lose interest and switch to other genealogy tools.

Despite these challenges, it is important to acknowledge the impact that the We're Related app had on the genealogy industry. The app was one of the first tools to use social media to connect individuals with distant relatives, paving the way for other similar services to emerge. Additionally, the app helped many people discover new information about their family history and connect with relatives they may not have known existed.

As we wrap up this article, it is essential to note that while the We're Related app may no longer be available, there are still numerous genealogy tools available to individuals interested in tracing their family history. From websites like Ancestry.com to DNA testing kits, there are plenty of resources available to help individuals uncover their family trees.

Overall, while the We're Related app had its challenges, it remains an important part of the genealogy industry's history. As technology continues to advance, it will be exciting to see what new tools emerge to help individuals discover more about their family history.

Thank you again for reading this article, and we hope that it has provided you with valuable insights into the fate of the We're Related app.

What Happened to the We're Related App?


The We're Related app was a popular genealogy app that helped users discover their family history and connect with relatives. However, users have been experiencing issues with the app, leading them to wonder what happened to it.

People Also Ask About What Happened to the We're Related App

1. Is the We're Related app still available?

No, the We're Related app is no longer available for download on the App Store or Google Play. The app was discontinued in 2019.

2. Why was the We're Related app discontinued?

The reason for the discontinuation of the We're Related app is unclear. Ancestry.com, the company behind the app, has not released an official statement about why they stopped supporting it.

3. Are there any alternatives to the We're Related app?

Yes, there are many alternative genealogy apps available, such as Ancestry.com, MyHeritage, and FamilySearch. These apps offer similar features, such as building family trees and connecting with relatives.

4. Can I still access my data on the We're Related app?

If you had previously used the We're Related app and want to access your data, you can log in to your Ancestry.com account. Any information that you had saved on the app should still be available on the website.

5. Will the We're Related app ever come back?

It is unlikely that the We're Related app will return, as Ancestry.com has not shown any indication of reviving it. However, the company may release a new genealogy app in the future.


In conclusion, the We're Related app was discontinued in 2019, and Ancestry.com has not provided an official explanation for why it was discontinued. Users can still access their data by logging in to their Ancestry.com account or by using alternative genealogy apps.